Just making sure you don't hurt her, again

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Zoe POV:

I awoke to my nieces and nephews jumping on top of me followed by Samantha running in.

"Guys don't....... wake.....your ...... aunt...... up. Hi sweetheart, how are ya?" She asked, slowing down her speech slightly.
"I'm good, how are you?" I asked holding Alexandre as he cuddled up to me.
"I'm good. Glad your back." She smiled.
"It's good to be back. How long have I been asleep?"
"Around 4 hours."
"You should of woke me when we got back."
"Now why would we do that?"

I laughed and carefully got up. I tried to put my nephew down but he clung to me. I laughed and held him back up as I sat down beside Luke. I smiled as I leaned into him and he side hugged me. I looked up to the TV to see them watching Ellen causing me to laugh. They looked at me and I just shook my head and watched as Ellen introduced the singer.

A/N:Change Zara Larsson to Zoe Hemsworth and Swedish to Australian

They looked at me when it was finished and I hid behind Alexandre to try avoid the looks. The poor child just looked at me and then jumped off me and ran to his cousins

"Traitor." I mumbled to him.
The girls smirked as my brothers looked at me.
"Why didn't you tell us kid?" Chris asked.
"Because I wanted to surprise you?" I said more as a question.
They laughed and Chris came over and hugged me.
"Well congrats, you did well." Liam laughed.

My phone went off and I looked at it to see it was Troye.

"Can one of you drive me to starbucks?" I asked looking at my brothers

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"Can one of you drive me to starbucks?" I asked looking at my brothers.
"Why?" Luke asked.
"I'm meeting a friend."
"Who's this friend?"
"Come on."
"You really need to stop doing this. What happened in the past is finished with, I'm over it, he's over it, why can't you guys?" I whined.
"he hurt you Zoe." Chris stated.
"Yea and it hurt yea, but he had his reasons. And I'm over it, I forgave him when I knew why. Besides we have a child together, that can't be changed. So please, just forget about it."
They sighed.
"Fine, I'll bring you. But this doesn't mean that we will forget about it." Luke said pointing at me.
"Thank you thank you thank you." I squealed hugging him.
"yea yea. Now let's go."

I went out to the car followed by my brother and he drove me to starbucks. I seen Troye waiting by his car with Lily Rose on his hip when we got there. I said bye to Luke and got out only to hear Luke get out too causing me to sigh and roll my eyes. I looked at him but he just gave me the look saying that he was going whether I liked it or not.

Once we got to Troye I hugged him. We pulled apart when Luke coughed causing me to roll my eyes and take my daughter from Troye. Luke just looked at Troye with a hard look. Lily started giggling causing everyone to smile slightly at her. I kissed her head as she lay her head on my shoulder tiredly. Luke went back to giving Troye the hard look.

"Luke." Troye nodded.
"Troye. I assume that this is noting more then friends." He said.
"Luke!!" I warned.
He just looked at me with a pretend confused look.
"I can assure you that it is noting more then two friends, who happen to have a daughter,  hanging out. And I assume you know that it wouldn't be a way for me anymore."
"yea I know, just making sure you don't hurt her, you know, again." Luke said causing Troye to flinch.
"Luke!!" I warned causing him to look at me.
"what??" He asked.
I sighed.
"I'll call Chris when I'm ready to go back."
"Alright fine. Do you want me to take her home with me" He asking indicating to Lily.
I looked down at her to see her nearly asleep on my shoulder
"Do you mind? She's nearly asleep." I said.
"Not at all. I'll place her in Alexandres car seat."

He took her from me and turned towards the car. We watched him clip Lily in her seat before  get into the car and drive off.

 Your brothers don't like me very much do they" Troye asked watching my brother turn the corner.
"Umm, no, but I think they might be reconsidering their choice after my speech." I laughed.
"Why what you say?"
"Just if they want to be in mine and Lilys life that they have to accept it. Anyway, we going to stand here all day or go inside?" I asked causing him to laugh and open the door for me.
"After you." He joked.
"Such a gentleman." I teased walking in.

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