My poor baby

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Zoe POV:

I got into the ambulance with Lily and sat watching as the paramedics worked on her. Once they were finished I held her hand as we flew down the road to the hospital. Alfie drove behind us. When we arrived nurses rushed out to get lily and rushed her into the hospital. I went to follow bu was  held back. I tried to fight them but failed. Alfie rushed towards me and held me as I looked on.

After waiting for what felt like forever a doctor came out and called on us. I stood up and walked over to him with Alfie following close behind. He invited us into his office before getting us to sit down. He looked down at his paper before looking up at us.

"Miss Hemsworth, Mister Deyes, we ran some tests on your daughter and I just got the results now." He said.
"Well, what's wrong with her?" I asked gabbing Alfies hand.
The doctor looked down again before looking me dead in the eye.
"I regret to inform you that Lily has brain cancer."
I gasped and hid my head in Alfies shoulder. He bought his arms around me as I tried not to cry.
"What treatments are there?" I asked looking back at the doctor.
"Well since she is in the early stages she can have either radiation or chemotherapy. Should she have chemotherapy then their will be no possible way to have radiation if it does not wok. However, if you go for radiation she can have chemotherapy if it doesn't work." he explained handing me forms of each.
"Can we think over it." I asked, wanting to consult with Troye first.
"Of course. let me know when you decide." He said indicating to the door.

i smiled and left the office with Alfie close behind. As I went towards Lilys room I heard someone running. I looked up to see Troye coming towards me with Jacob closely behind. 

"What's wrong? Where is she?" Troye asked.
"Troye." I said, unable to sat it.
"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.
"She, she has  brain cancer Troye." i said before crying.
"what?" He asked,tears in his eyes.

I moved to the window of Lilys room and looked into it. She was playing and laughing with the nurse who stayed with her while the doctor talked to us. Troye came over and stood beside me, looking into her room.

"My poor baby." I whispered.
"We'll figure this out." Troye said looking at me.
"Yea?" I asked not moving.
"Yea. And I'm going to be with you guys every step of the way."
"How, you live in Australia, we live here." I pointed out.
"Well I guess I'm moving then." He shrugged.
I pulled him into a hug watching our daughter through the window.

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