2 years to a big surprise

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Zoe POV:

"Oh my God

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"Oh my God." I said into the camera.

I was home alone as Lilly Rose had gone to spend a month with Troye over in Australia to spend some time with the family over there. Since the all clear of Lillys cancer Alfie had moved in. Lilly loved it and even though Troye was in her life, she had started to call him papa Alfie. Jacob was also now refereed to as papa Jacob. Nether seemed to be bothered, nor does Troye.

"I'm home." I heard Alfie call.

I finished cleaning the bathroom quickly before picking up the camera and heading out to great Alfie. He was vlogging as I came down the stairs. He pulled me into a kiss as I faced the camera down behind his back. He smiled at me and rubbed my back as we pulled away.

"How was your day?" I asked as I placed the camera to show both of our faces, where his was.
"It was good how was yours?"
"It was interesting."
"Interesting?" He asked.
"Yea, I have some news." I smiled.
"Good?" He asked.
"Really good. I think you'll really like it." I nodded.
"Great." He smiled as we went into the living room.

I went to the kitchen to make some tea before going into the living room and sitting down beside him. He sat up as I settled down. I placed my camera down beside his, making sure the two were on.

"So what you need to tell me?" He asked.
"Well, my period was late two days ago so I decided to go get a test."
"What do you mean?" Alfie asked, clueless.
"Surprise!" I said a I placed the positive pregnancy test in his hand.
"You're pregnant? You're really pregnant?" he asks in an excited surprise.
"Yes!" I squealed happily.
"But we weren't even trying...were we?" Alfie asked.
"No, we weren't. But, well, here we are. We both knew we wanted kids together at some point, and I guess that some point is now. You're happy about this...aren't you?"I asked, unsure.
"Of course I am! I just wasn't expecting it, is all. This is great news!" He exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.
"I'm glad your happy." I smiled, pulling away.
"Oh my God, I'm going to be a dad." He smiled.
"Yes you are." I smiled.

"And guys, this isn't a joke, I got the doctor to do some tests as well just to be sure before telling." I said turning towards the two cameras on the table.
"Guys there's going to be a baby Deyes running around soon." Alfie said, beaming to the camera.
"I've never seen you so happy. Your smiling more then when I said yes to being your girlfriend. Your like, beaming." I smiled, leaning my elbow on his shoulder.
"I'm just, so happy right now." He said putting his arms around me once more.
"i'm glad you are." I smiled, kissing his cheek.

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