Happy birthday Zoe!!!!

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*A/N This is a birthday special because I am 16 today and decided that I would update all my stories to thank you all for being supportive this past year, enjoy xxx*

Alfie POV:

"Good morning good morning how are you? I hope you are all well. Today is a special day because, as most of you know, it is Zoe's birthday today, she is nineteen. I stayed the night at hers and I am now downstairs with Chris."
I pointed the camera to Chris and he waved while taking a drink from his cup of tea.
"Zoe and Elsa brought the kids to the park. Zoe did ask us to go but we said no that we had to finish wrapping her presents. But in actual fact, we are sorting out the room. Troye and Jacob left to get her cake which we ordered from her favorite bakery. Zoes brothers are coming along with Lukes family and Miley which is why Elsa took Zoe and the kids to the park. And yea, so, that is what is happening. But now, we are going to sort out the stuff and then I have to wrap her present haha."
*Fast forward doing up room.*

"And we are done

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"And we are done. Looks good."
"Yea really good." Chris said from the kitchen.
"Chris is making some American breakfast."
"It's just a fry." He laughed.
"True true. Anyway, Troye and Jacob are back from the bakery. Did you see the cake?"
"Yea it's amazing." Troye said.
"Isn't it. We just put it on a plate and placed it in the middle of the table."
I show them the cake.

"Now we are just waiting for Liam, Luke and their mom, Leonie to come and then Chris can text Elsa that they can come home

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"Now we are just waiting for Liam, Luke and their mom, Leonie to come and then Chris can text Elsa that they can come home."

I turn off my camera and sit beside the lads as Chris finishes the breakfast. We had placed some fruit and other things on the table so everything was ready.

Zoe POV:

"Higher mommy

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"Higher mommy." Lily squealed.
I laughed as Elsa comes back over with the twins and India.
"should we head on back?" She asked.
"yea sure. Come on Lils." I smiled as my daughter jumped off the swing and went off with India. we walked back to the house since it wasn't far. I took out my camera and started vlogging.

"So after  many hours of fun in the park we have decided to head on back. And lily and India are ahead of us."
I turned the camera to them jumping over the cracks on the pavement.
"Aww, they're so cute."
"Friends forever." Elsa joked.
"I know yea. So yea."
We came up to the house and I opened the door.
"So now we are going to just rest for the rest of the day and..........."
I jumped in surprise as everyone jumped out of their hiding place. I seen luke and Liam there as well as fellow youtubers.
"Aww you guys." I said placing my hand on my chest.
"happy birthday sweetheart." Elsa said pulling me into a side hug.
"Thank you so much. Oh my God this is amazing." I smiled looking at the table.
I turned the camera to face everyone before turning back to me.
"So they organized this for me and I didn't even know, aww, that's so cool. Thank you." I said as I hugged Liam and Luke.
*Fast forward breakfast, Liam takes camera*
I sit at the table as mum brings out the cake. Everyone sung happy birthday and then i blew out the candles with the help of Lily.



Zoe_Hemsworth: I came home to the best thing ever

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Zoe_Hemsworth: I came home to the best thing ever. My whole family flew in for my birthday. Thank you everyone so much. I love you all.

liked by liamhemsworh, alfiedeyes and 304,000 others

username: Happy birthday Zoe!!!
sagemellet: That cake looks delicious.
username2: Happy 19th birthday Zoe.
tyleroakley: Happy birthday slay queen.
alfiedeyes: Hope you had a great day gorgous
chrishemsworth: I know the kids did.
liamhemsworth: My favorite bit was the cake.

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