So we are currently in town

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Zoe POV:

"Good morning guys, how are you today, I hope you are well

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"Good morning guys, how are you today, I hope you are well. Today we are, look at you your all messy, today we are heading into town and Alfie is going to show us around because I have no clue where anything is and I really should because I am going to be here for a while. So yea, did daddy get you ready? "
"yea." lily shuted.
 Lily twirled around and I laughed. I turned the camera to face her.
"I'll do a little, outfit of the day haha. So today Lily is wearing her coat which I got from asos, a fox style jumper which she got from Tanya yesterday, a pair of jeans from Heritage and then a pair of blue and pink runners which Troye got her....."
"From nike." Troye called out as he came into the kitchen.
"They are from Nike shop so yea, she's ready to go aren't you Lily."
lily grins and nods before skipping off to Troye.
"So yea, it is now 9am and I have been up since 5. Now that everyone is sorted we are going to get breakfast and then by then Alfie should be here t o collect us."
I place the camera down and film us eating and chatting while Troye feeds lily in her high chair.
"Hi, come on in."
I opened the door for Alfie.
"Hello, how are  you?" Alfie asked smiling before we hugged.
"Doing good, doing good. Troyes just getting Lily into her push chair and then we can go." I said pulling away from him.
*fast forward to car*
"Haha, so, we are now in the car and Alfie is driving us because I currently don't have a licence for here. Oh that's actually another thing I have to do. I have so many things to do before filming you would not believe you would not believe. And yea, Troye and Lily are in the back."
I Point the camera to them and Troye points it to Lily who giggles while waving.
"And I got the front with Alfie. But, as Alfie turned on the car and the radio came on, this song was playing, listen....."
I turns up radio a bit.
"It's my song."
I starts mouthing the chorus of never forget you.
" So yea, that happened. Never forget you, out now, you should check it out." I said pointing to the camera
*Troye has camera.*
 How far along is it to the centre?"
I ask looking at Alfie*
"It's an hour from your place so there's like 15mins max left." Alfie explained turning to the left. "Getting bored already Zoe." Troye asked laughing.
"Kinda yea haha. Is Lily asleep?" I ask turning to look back.
Troye turns camera to Lily to see her looking out the window.
"No, she's just looking out the window, aren't ya darling" Troye said tickling her causing her to shriek and laugh.

We pulled up to a parking lot. Once parked I got out and took Lilys push chair out before taking her out and strapping her in. I pushed her as we made our way through the crowds of people. Alfie brought us into a small cafe where we got some dinner. Lily sat on Alfie as we chatted before we headed off to the shops.



troyesivan: my beautiful daughter and her momma

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troyesivan: my beautiful daughter and her momma. 

tagged: Zoe_Hemsworth

liked by tyleroakley alfiedeyes chrishemsworth and 99,000 others

username: The two are adorable together.
username2: The two of you are great with her. #parentinggoals
chrishemsworth: Beautiful picture.
tyleroakley: Stunning girl!!!!!!!!! @Zoe_Hemsworth.
Zoe_Hemsworth: Thanks @tyleroakley xxxx
tyleroakley: By the way, your daughter is so cute.
Zoe_Hemsworth: Aww thank you @tyleroakley
hater1: Uggh, can't she just like, leave, the earth.
tanyaburr: Gorgeous girls.


Zoe POV:

"So we are currently in the town still and guess who we met in Zara"
I Turns camera to Joe, Conor, Jack and Casper.
"Say hi guys."
They look at me before waving. I laugh and turn the camera back.
"So yea, they have apparently joined us now, that's fine. I'm not complaining." I said making a face.
"Look at your face as you say that." Joe pointed out from behind me while laughing.
"Anyway." I said moving away from Joe causing him to laugh.
"So Troye is now pushing Lily because the boys asked me to help choose clothing for them because they are going off tonight."
"What are you doing tonight Zoe." Casper asked putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Well Casper I am spending a night in with my daughter." I said looking at him.
"Aww, that's sweet." He said and everyone laughed.

"Someones getting tired." Joe laughed as Lily yawned.
"Are you getting tired little one?" Alfie asked in a baby voice looking down at Lily.
She just hid away from them causing everyone to aww.
"She had an early start today so I wouldn't blame her." I said fixing her hair.
"That and she wasn't feeling the best last night." Troye said as he pushed her.
"Yea. She seems better now though. She ate a bit which is good." I said as we got to the car.

Troye placed a sleeping lily into the car while I got in beside her. Alfie and Troye got in the front before Alfie drove off back to mine. I took out my camera and vlogged the ending.

"So guys, we are currently in the car going back to mine. I am whispering because Lily is asleep here beside me and yea. We spent the whole day out and had dinner and now, it is 8pm so we were out for the whole day. Alfie and Troye are in the front"
I turn 
the camera to the lads talking
"And I am in the back with my baby."
I show them a sleeping Lily before going back to me.
"Hopefully she stays like that. She had a long day so she probably will. Anyway guys we are just pulling up to the house so I am going to end it here, I hope you enjoyed it and if you did please give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already. Bye guys."
I cover the lens.

I opened the house door and left it open for the boys as I turned on the lights. I made my way upstairs and went into Lilys room to sort out her bed. Troye came in and layed her on the bed. I carefully changed her before lying her in bed and covering her up with the blankets. We kissed her head before leaving her be.

We went down stairs to see Alfie on the couch scrolling through his phone. I hit him as I sat beside him. He looked at me in confusing causing me to laugh.

"When you going with the lads?"
"Half an hour, Troye you ready?"
"Whenever you are." Troye said.
"Well then let's go. Bye zoe."
"Bye guys, Troye"
"yea." Troye asked turning.
I threw him the keys and he caught them.
"I'm heading to bed so you'll need them."

Once they left I got ready for bed before turning off all the lights and heading to my room.

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