so Alfie right

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Zoe POV:

"Good morning guys, it is currently 5am

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"Good morning guys, it is currently 5am. Lily is still asleep and I am getting the place cleaned up before she does wake up. But today's a good day, it's a good day, because I have good news, great news in fact, I have officially finished Tomb raider, yes, I have. I can't believe it, i am very happy with the end result and I hope that each and every one of you who go see it enjoy it just as much as I have making it. So yea, that's what's happened. Morning Jacob. The producers are just going over it making sure that everything is ok but I think, I think, we are finished."
I place the camera down on the table and get the granola. Once I pour it in a bowl with some fruit I sit in front of the camera.
"So yea, today Alfie is meant to be coming around and we are going to just chill here and then yea. Morning sweetie, did you sleep well."
Troye came in with Lily on his hip. He set her on a seat before grabbing some toast and made a cup of tea. Lily just made grabby hands at me causing me to laugh and place her on my lap. My phone went off and I grabbed it.
"The place is going to be chaotic for the next week guys." I said mainly to the boys.
"Why's that?" Troye asked pecking Jacob on the lips as he sat beside him, opposite me.
" Chris and his gang have flown over and have just landed. I might need to warn Alfie." I said looking at the camera.
"You might because he should prepare if they do anything like they did to me."
I hummed in agreement as I typed on my phone.
"Alright, he's been told. Are you guys doing anything today?" I asked.
"We weren't planning anything but we can head off somewhere if you want." Jacob said.
"No no it's fine. Just wondering. Now, let's get you ready." I said looking down at Lily.
She slid off my lap as I turned off my camera.

I followed lily into her room. She jumped on the bed as I went to her dresser and got out her clothes. Once sorted she ran down stairs as I went to the bathroom. On my way out I heard the doorbell ring followed by footsteps running.

"Lily what have I told you about going to the door you never know who it would be

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"Lily what have I told you about going to the door you never know who it would be." I said coming down the stairs as Troye picked her up.
"Told you mummy would get cross." Troye said kissing her cheek.
"mommy get cross." Lily said causing us to laugh as I opened the door.
"Alfie!!" I said hugging him.
"Zoe!!" he mimicked kissing my cheek.
I pulled away and let him in. Lily started clapping at Alfie.
"Hello little one." He smiled tickling her chin.
"Alfie!!" She squealed.

We went into the living room where Jacob was on his phone. Troye placed Lily down and she ran and jumped on top of him. Jacob jumped in surprise before starting to tickle her causing Lily to laugh. I smiled as we sat down on the couches. Jacob looked at Alfie with a smile.

"You must be Alfie. I'm Jacob."
" I am indeed, how are ya?"
Jacob nodded and started playing with Lily. Soon after i got a text from Chris. I smiled and got up to turn the kettle on. Just as it finished the sound of the doorbell rang.

"Chris" I smiled hugging him.
"Hello darling. How are you?"
"I'm good. How was the flight. hi Elsa." I said hugging my sister in law.
"It was good yea." Chris said as I pulled away from Elsa.
"Aunt Zoe."
I looked down to see my niece and nephews running towards me.
"Hey guys." I said bending down to them.

Once the hugs were done I lead them into the kitchen. i made tea and made juice for the kids before heading into the living room where the others were. Lily looked up and ran over to Chris who placed his cup on the coffee table before picking her up and throwing her into the air and catching her causing her to giggle. Once he placed her down she went over to her cousins.

"You have a lovely place." Elsa smiled as they sat down.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"So Alfie right?" Chris said looking at Alfie.
"Chris." I warned and he looked at me confused.
"Yes I am." Alfie said.
"Come walk with me." my brother asked standing up.
Alfie kissed my cheek as he got up and lead Chris out to the garden.
"He won't do much damage right?" I asked my sister in law causing Jacob and Troye to laugh.
"No I don't think he will." Elsa laughed.

Alfie POV:

"How long have you liked my sister?" Chris asked as we sat on the couch type thing in the garden.
"A year, maybe more." I admitted.
"What do you like about her?"
"Everything really. her laugh, her smile, her personality." i said smiling while thinking of her.
"look Alfie, you seem like a great guy and all  but as Zoe's older brother I have to look after her.Dad walked out when she was 5/6 and the three of us took the role of father and brother. So I am asking you, don't hurt her. I've seen her go through heartbreak once and I don't want to see her going through it again. it broke my heart seeing her as she was when her and Troy broke it off. She nearly lost Lily because she wouldn't eat. So don't hurt her or else, You have me Liam and Luke to deal with, got it." Chris warned.
"Got it. And I can assure you that I would never hurt her and if I do you can do whatever because I know that i will deserve it." I said.
"Glad we have an understanding. Now, I'm Chris, her second oldest brother." he said holding ut her hand.
"Alfie." I smiled.
"Now I need you to help me."
"With what?"
"Zoes birthday is on Tuesday right."
"I need your help to organize a surprise for her. now she doesn't know this but Liam and Luke are coming over for it along with mom." He said lowering his voice and looking back to see if Zoe was coming.
"You know here better then I do so I need you to get some things for her and then get her out of the house so we can sort out the place."
he smiled and clapped me on the back.
"Your really great for her. Don't make me regret saying that." He said.

I smiled as we got up and bro hugged. We made our way back inside and sat down. Zoe smiled at me and I smiled back, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

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