Day with Alfie while mommy works

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Zoe POV:

The ringing of the bell continued

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The ringing of the bell continued.

"I'm coming I'm coming. Hold on." I said running to the door.
I opened it to reveal Alfie smiling like an idiot.
"Perfect timing. Lily just had breakfast so she should be fine till lunch which is in the fridge and you can have whatever. Make yourself at home. I left her car seat at the door in case you need to go anywhere. Thank you so much for looking after her." I said grabbing my phone.
"No bother. Take your time, we'll have great time, won't we little one." Alfie said picking her up.
"Alright, I'll seya later. mommy loves you." I said kissing Lily on the cheek before running off to my car and made my way to set.

Alfie POV:

I watched Zoe back out of the driveway before going down the road through the window. Once she was out of sight I moved away and looked at Lily who was sitting on my hip.

"So what you wanna do?" I asked smiling at her.
She just looked at me giggling. 
"Well first things first, you need to get ready." I said.

I went up the stairs and into Lilys room. I placed her on her bed before going through her wardrobe and getting clothes for her. Once finished getting her changed I brushed her hair and attempted to tie it up before giving up after the 5th attempt.

 Once finished getting her changed I brushed her hair and attempted to tie it up before giving up after the 5th attempt

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"So what you wanna do lily?" i asked once she was sorted.
"Park." She shouted.
"You wanna go to the park?" I asked.
she nodded.
"Alright then, come on then." I smiled.

She skipped to the door where I picked up the car seat. I brought it out and fixed it up to the seat. I strapped her into the seat before getting into the drivers seat and driving out of the yard.

Once at the park Lily dragged me to the swings. I pushed her gently as she squealed in delight. I smiled as I watched her smiling. She looked so much like Zoe with Troyes eyes. We stayed there till around 11 and then went back. I gave her her lunch before grabbing an apple for myself and then we went and watched some cartoons until she fell asleep. I gently lay her down on the couch before sitting on the opposite chair and editing my vlog from yesterday.



alfiedeyes: day with this one while mommy works

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alfiedeyes: day with this one while mommy works.

liked by troyesivan jimchapman niomismarts and 99,000 others

username: Aww, so cute.
username2: I can't get over the cuteness of it.
troyesivan: Hope she wasn't any trouble.
alfiedeyes: Oh no she was an angel @troyesivan
Zoe_Hemsworth: Good to hear @alfiedeyes @troyesivan.

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