Daddy going home

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*A/N anyone know what going on with Polyvore?*

Zoe POV:

"Good morning sweetie."
"Mummy." lily whined.
"Daddy's going home today."
"We 'oin'?"
"No sweetie, we're staying, but he can visit." I said fixing her hair.

Lily sat up and slowly slid off her bed. I followed her out of her room and into the kitchen where Troye was eating toast and a cup of tea. lily ran over to him and he placed her on his lap. I smiled and got her some toast and juice and myself some toast and a cup of coffee.

"What time's your flight?" I asked him.
"12." Troye said taking his cup and finishing his tea.
"Well then we better get sorted shouldn't we." I said to Lily taking her plate and mine to the sink.
"I'll do that." Troye said as I began to wash them.

I smiled at him and followed Lily as she ran to her room. I went to her wardrobe and picked her outfit. Once she was dressed I cleaned her teeth and brushed her hair before letting her go do what she wanted. I went into my room and changed before walking into the living room to see Troye and Lily on the floor playing. Once they seen me Troye got up and picked lily up before walking to the car. i had officially got my British license so he strapped Lily in while I got into the drivers seat.

 i had officially got my British license so he strapped Lily in while I got into the drivers seat

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We arrived at the airport and lily clapped. I smiled as I helped her out and held her hand as Troye got his bags. Once he had everything I locked the car and we went into the airport. Troye checked in before handing security his bags. Once everything was sorted he turned and picked up Lily causing her to squeal.

"You be good for mommy won't you?" Troye smiled placing her on his hip.
"Yes daddy." She said.
Troye placed her down and crouched to her height.
"I'm going to miss you." He said pulling her into a hug.
"Miss you too daddy." She said.
Troye stood up as Lily hugged my leg.
"Skype won't you." He asked me.
"Course. and your welcome to visit whenever you like." I smiled at him.
"Seya soon." He said pulling me into a hug.
"Bye." I said as we pulled back.
'Flight to Australia leaving in 15mins.'
"That's my flight."
"Bye." he said waving to lily as he turned.

We watched him leave and once he was out of sight I looked down at lily who had tears rolling down her cheeks. I smiled sadly and picked her up.

"Don't be sad sweetheart, you'll see him soon."
She looked at me.
"Come on now, dry those tears, we don't want uncle Jim and aunt Tanya to see them now do we." I said wiping her tears.
"A'nt Tan'a." She exclaimed.
"Yea, let's go see them." I said.

I placed her down and she took my hand to drag me to the car. I laughed lightly as we got to the car before placing her into her car seat and getting in myself. I texted Tanya to let her know we were leaving the airport and that we would be there in about half an hour before i pulled out of the parking lot. 

Can anyone tell me if my Avengers sister fanfic is gone or not because it isn't on my works list anymore. Thanks guys xxx

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