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Zoe POV:

"Why are we doing this again?" Troye asked, holding Lily on his shoulders

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"Why are we doing this again?" Troye asked, holding Lily on his shoulders.
"Because my mum wants to see Lily and I think it'll be good for us to go home for a bit." I shrugged.
"Will aunt Miley be there?" Lily asked.
"Yes." I sad causing her to squeal.
"Easily known you haven't seen her in a while." Troye laughed placing her down on her two feet.
"Did I do something wrong?" Lily asked with a sad face.
"No sweetie, daddy's going to make sure everything is packed and ready to go. Meanwhile me and you are going to pick some toys to bring because you can't bring them all." I said placing her on my hip.

Several hours later, the three of us made it to my childhood home. Troye had driven once we landed and Lily had fallen asleep. As soon as I opened my door Lily was awake. I opened her door and she ran to the steps where mum, Liam and Miley were standing.

"Aunt Miley!!" Lily squealed, jumping into Mileys arms.
"Hey my little rose." Miley smiled as I got to the steps.
"Zoe." Liam smiled.
"Liam." I said, throwing my arms  around him.
"How is she?" Mum asked as she hugged me.
"The results are due back next week but she seems alright." I nodded, pulling back.
"Hi Troye." Mum said, greeting him as he came up.

We made our way inside so we could freshen up. Liam had made reservations at the restaurant down town so we left soon afterwards. Lily chatted the whole way there while I sat beside her in the back with mum. Troye sat at the very back and Miley and Liam sat at the front with Liam driving.

"She seems better in herself." Liam said to me, halfway through dinner.
"Yea, I'm hoping that's a good sign." I said looking at my older brother.
"I'm sure it is." He said, squeezing my hand before continuing to eat his dinner. 

After the meal I placed a nearly asleep lily in her car seat before getting in the very back with Troye. Lily fell asleep not 5 minutes into the car ride back home so everyone just sat in comfortable silence. When we pulled up to the house Liam took Lily and placed her in his old room. I followed her not long afterwards with Troye. Due to the shortage of bedrooms we had to share my bed but we didn't mind. I changed before getting into the right side of the bed while Troye went to the left. I turned off the light leaving us n complete darkness as I let sleep take over me.

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