It just happened

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Zoe POV:

Good morning guys, how are you

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Good morning guys, how are you. It is currently 6 am and Lily is still asleep. I have the day off today so I can do whatever I want which is why I am wearing my sliders."

I show them my outfit through my full length mirror..
"So yea. Lily is asleep like I said, so I am going to make breakfast." I turn my bedroom light off before heading down the hall.

*Fast forward her making breakfast.*
"So, I have finished making my breakfast and look who's awake."
I turn my camera to Lily who is half asleep at the table.
"She just woke up, didn't you darling?" I said fixing her hair.
"mummy can I have some of 'hat." she asked pointing.
"You want some egg?"
I turn my camera back to me.
"Well sweetie I don't know if you'll eat it, but you can try it?"
I take some egg off my toast before giving her the spoon. I watch her face as she makes a pout so I turn the camera to her.
"What's wrong?" I laughed.
"Noting." She said pointing.
"Tastes like noting?" I ask causing her to nod.
"Well do you want some?"
"Yea." She said jumping.
"Ok, cool, so that's another thing I can make for you then. I never gave her scrambled eggs before because of the way sometimes a shell might get into it and then if she sees it she won't eat it ."
*Fast forward to after breakfast.*
"So we are now finished having breakfast and we are currently, well I am currently, cleaning up, Lily is playing in the living room. So yea. Today is really a chill day and I think Alfie is coming over, he said he might so, yea, that's what's happening today."

I turned off my camera and made my way into the living room. Lily was there playing with some cars on the couch. I smiled as I walked over to her.

"come on, we've to get you ready." I smiled.
She ran out of the room and I quickly followed her.
"Don't run up the stairs." I called.

Once in her room I picked out her outfit before changing her and brushing her teeth and hair. By the time I was finished the door bell went off. Lily jumped off the bed to go to it and I ran after her. Just before she got to it I picked her up from behind causing her to squeal and me to laugh

 Just before she got to it I picked her up from behind causing her to squeal and me to laugh

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"She actually opened the door, hello." Alfie said into the camera as I opened the door before hugging me.

"Hi how are ya?" I asked smiling.
"Good, good. Hello little one." He said tickling under her chin causing her to giggle.
"Al'ie." She squealed trying to cover her chin.
"Aww, how cute is she?" He asked the camera before turning it off.

he walked into the hall before I closed the door and placed Lily down on the ground. We watched as she ran to her play room before going into the kitchen where I made some tea.

"So how's filming going?" Alfie asked as I placed a cup of tea.
"Good, we're nearly finished." 
"That's good."
"Yep." I said as Lily came running in.

"Al'ie" She shouted jumping onto him.
"Hello little one, what you doing?" He asked helping her onto his lap.
"Will you play dolls with me?" She asked sweetly.
"magic word." I said.
"Good girl and yes I will play with you." Alfie said before getting up and being pulled by Lily.
I laughed and began tidying up.

Alfie played with Lily till dinner and then after  he put her to bed. I sat in the living room while putting on 'harry Potter'. Once Alfie was back I turned it on.

Alfie POV:

"Night little one." I said kissing Lilys head.
"Night Al'ie."

I smiled before turning on her night light and turned off her main light before leaving her room. I made my way down stairs to see Zoe turning on the movie that we had chosen. She smiled at me as I walked in and sat beside her on the couch. She pressed play and the movie started. half way through the movie Zoe Leaned into my side. I just put my arm around her. I looked down at her to see her watching the screen carefully. Suddenly she looked up but I didn't move my gaze.

"What?" She smiled.
Now's my chance. I moved down towards her and tilted her head before kissing her. She sat still for a minute before kissing back. She placed her hand on my chest as we pulled back. She smiled at me and I smiled back before she pulled me back to her and kissed me again. Once we pulled away she giggled.
"I've wanted to do that for awhile." I smiled.
She laughed lightly and moved closer to me.
"Well I'm glad you did." She smiled.
I smiled and moved her closer to me, leaning my head on her head.

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