Babys first kick

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Zoe POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night and for a while wondered what it was that had woken me up

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I woke up in the middle of the night and for a while wondered what it was that had woken me up. Alfie lay fast asleep beside me as I  lay awake, hands on my stomach, when I felt something hit my left hand. I gasped and pulled back the covers to look down. I waited for a moment then felt it again. 

"Alfie." I whispered, trying to wake him up.
 He didn't respond.
"Alfie, wake up." I said a little louder, tapping his bare shoulder.

He grumbled in protest, but didn't move. I sighed in frustration and briefly considered kicking him lightly to get him to pay attention to me. I couldn't just wait until morning to tell him, I needed to let him know now so we could share this moment together. It was just unfortunate that it had to happen in the middle of the night.

"Alfie Deyes, wake the hell up." I whisper shouted at him, giving his stubbled cheek a poke.
He grumbled louder and opened his eyes to look at the clock on his beside table.
"It's 2am." He whined, trying to pull the sheets closer to him.
"I felt the baby kick." I said.
Alfie opened his eyes fully and sat up so quick it made me jump. He stared at me with wide eyes, a smile pulling on the corners of his mouth. It was as though he had never been asleep in the first place.
"Really?" He asked, unable to hide his excitement.
I smiled brightly at him and nodded.
"Feel." I said, taking his hand in mine and placing it over my stomach..

Alfie looked down at my stomach and we waited for a moment before the baby kicked again. He gasped and laughed, staring down in awe. I smiled at his reaction as my eyes brimmed with happy tears.
"I felt it." He said in a whisper.

He shuffled round so that he was kneeling between my legs, and placed both hands on me stomach. I placed my own on top and waited. When the baby kicked again Alfies smile grew even wider. He looked up at me, his eyes twinkling, and I saw a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Oh, gorgeous." I laughed as I reached up to wipe the tear away, feeling my own start making their way down my cheeks.
He chuckled tearily and moved his hands up to cup my face, leaning in for a slow, soft kiss. When he pulled away he wiped away my own tears, then moved his head down to my  bump, placing his ear to it. His stubble tickled me and I giggled.

"What are you doing?" I asked.
I reached up to run my hand through his dark, soft hair.
"Trying to hear it." He joked quietly.
"Oh my god. You're such a dork." I joked back.
"Shhh." He replied, placing a finger to my lips.
After a moment he yelped and rubbed his cheek.
"It kicked me." He said.
I laughed for probably longer than I should have. Alfie smiled at my reaction.
"Breaking news: Youtuber Alfie Deyes  gets beaten up by a fetus." I laughed as Alfie shook his head.
"They're not even born yet and they're beating you up." I continued in between my laughs, "You're gonna need some more training old man."
"I do plenty of training, thanks." He said, lifting his arms up and flexing them.
I tutted at him and gave him a light kick.
"Stop showing off." I smiled but blushed all the same.
He smiled back and we stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying the moment.
"I'm glad you woke me up now." He said.
"Not often I hear that." I joked.

Alfie lied back in bed and reaching out his arm for me to join him. I complied and lay down, letting him wrap his arm around your shoulder. He rolled onto his side and placed his right hand on my belly, smiling to himself. I placed my hand on top of his and turned my face slightly to peck him on the lips.

"Can we sleep like this?" He asked in a soft, deep whisper that sent shivers down your spine, "I want to feel it too."
"Of course." I sighed happily. "This baby is going to have the loveliest dad ever."
He turned to look at me , only to find my eyes were now closed and a soft smile was on my lips as I began to drift off to sleep.
"And the loveliest mom." He murmured into my ear, giving the soft flesh under it a kiss before closing his own eyes.

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