We're married

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Alfie POV:

"Alfie , it's going to be just fine. Stop worrying so much," Dad stood from the couch, walking over to me as I stood by the corner next to a full length mirror. 

For the umpteenth time, I continued to straighten out my black tie that coordinated with the tuxedo.There was a single red rose pinned to jacket on the left side near the lapel The groomsmen, Sean, Chris,Liam and Jim, were dressed identically to me , the only noticeable difference being a white rose, instead of a red one, pinned to their jackets in the same locations as my red one.

"I'm getting married today, Dad. I think I've obtained the right to be nervous," I bit back sarcastically. All I really wanted was to be standing by Zoes side, calling her mine forever.

"I just don't see what's there to be nervous about," Sean,shrugged.
"You're marrying a girl who is head over heels for you. You're lucky, mate. I felt like that too."Jim stated.
I sighed, fixing my tie once more before turning to face the rest of the boys.
"Yeah, but what if she changes her mind? Like she suddenly forgets what she ever saw in me? What happens then?"
"You're insane if you think that's gonna happen, Alfie," Chris shook his head at the thought.
"But what if it does?"
"It won't," Liam assured, placing his hand on my shoulder. "She loves you so much, Alfie."

Zoe POV:

"Oh, my baby's getting married!" Mom cooed for what seemed like the millionth time, her hands moving to cradle my cheeks.
"Yes, Mom, I realize that," I turned to face the giant full length mirror, hands brushing against my cheeks to make sure my makeup was still decent. "If you mess up my makeup, you're going have to defend yourself against the Lou," I joked, peeking over at my makeup and hair stylist that I had got for the important day. With the sound of her name, her head whipped around to face me , eyes narrowing as she register the content in which was spoken.
"Do not mess up her hair or beautiful little face," she said jokingly.
"You look beautiful. Alfie is one lucky fella." Tanya smiled
"That he is." Poppy smiled, fixing my veil as it cascaded down my back

I fixed my dress before looking in the mirror one last time before turning to my bridesmaids, Elsa, Poppy, Samantha and Miley. They were wearing red dresses that matched Alfies rose while the boys rose matched my dress.

 They were wearing red dresses that matched Alfies rose while the boys rose matched my dress

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"Are you ready to get married?" Mum asked, smiling wide

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"Are you ready to get married?" Mum asked, smiling wide.
"I think so," I breath, "I hope he just doesn't change his mind."
Elsa laughed at the absurd thought. "He definitely loves you too much to turn back now."
"I hope so," I sighed.
"I know so."

I nodded,before looking at mum as it was announced it was time to start heading out. With a deep breath, I walked out to meet Luke who, offered me his arm, ready to give me away to the man of my dreams.

3rd POV:

Alfie watched as each bridesmaid walked down the aisle behind Lily Rose who was the flower girl. He couldn't help the knot he felt in his stomach as each couple walked, drawing closer to the time where it would be Zoe walking towards him. His hands, which were clasped together in front of him, grew clammy with the thought. He never thought it was possible to love someone the way he loved her. There was nothing he wouldn't do for you.Zoe was it for him. He was hers, and she was his.

The beginning sounds of the Wedding March started playing, and with the sound, the people sitting in the pews stood up, head turning to watch for Zoes arrival. She started to appear with Luke right beside her.She locked eyes with Alfie, arm intertwined with her brothers as her free hand gripped his arm. Tears began to well up in Alfies eyes with the mere sight of his soon to be wife, the love bubbling inside of him becoming overwhelming.

After what seemed like forever, Zoe finally made it to Alfie. Alfie shook Lukes hand before taking both of her hands in his. She smiled widely over at him, eyes shining with so many emotions. Alfie returned the smile before they turned to the pastor.

"Alfie Deyes," the pastor looked at him, "Do you take this young woman to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold for this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward till death do you part?"
"I do." He said with no hesitation.
Zoe Hemsworth. Do you take this young man to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold for this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward till death do you part?"
"I do." She said, smiling at Alfie.
They done their vows as they placed the rings on each others fingers.
"Well, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," he turned to Alfie. "You may now kiss your bride."

The couple smiled as Alfie took Zoes hand before they leaned in for a kiss. Friends and family that gathered cheered and clapped before they walked down the aisle as husband and wife.

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