sign out

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Zoe POV:

I stopped outside Lily Roses room and looked in through the window that was covered with Disney figures

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I stopped outside Lily Roses room and looked in through the window that was covered with Disney figures. It had been two days since the treatment. Lily had to stay in to make sure that everything was fine and she didn't form any side effects.

 Troye sat beside our daughters bed as Lily slept. There was an oxygen tube up her nose so she could breath better. Since coming out of radiation her eyes were dull and tired. Her laughter had died down and not even her father could make her laugh. 

I sighed as I made my way quietly into the room. Troye looked up as I sat on the chair on the other side of Lilys bed. I took the hand of my sleeping daughter as she turned her head a little. I gently moved a piece of stray hair out of her face before kissing her head gently as a knock was heard. We turned to see Chris, Luke, Samantha and Elsa. 

"Do you want me and Elsa to watch her for a while. You two need a break. You haven't left here since you arrived according to Alfie and Jacob." Chris asked, coming over to me and placing a hand on my shoulder.
I looked over at Troye as I placed a hand on Chris's.
"Alfie and Jacob are downstairs in the cafeteria if you want to join them." Samantha suggested.
"Yea sure, thanks guys." Troye said, nodding a bit.
"Seya in a bit baby." I whispered to Lily before getting off my chair and following my brother and sister in law.

As we got to the cafeteria I seen Alfie and Jacob sitting at the far corner. Alfie stood up and pulled me into a hug as we approached them. He then brought me over to the buffet and got some food for me on a plate. We then returned to the table where I just picked at the food while the boys chatted away with Samantha joining in now and then. Suddenly my phone rang and I looked at it to see Chris.

"Chris, what's wrong?" I panicked as Troye looked at me with the same look.
"Everything is fine, don't worry. Just thought you'd like to know that she is awake and looking for you and Troye."
I sighed in relief.
"We'll be there in a few minutes." I said and hung up.

"What's wrong?" Troye asked, alarmed.
"Lily's awake. She's looking for me and you." I said getting up.
"Want us to go with you?" Alfie asked, looking at us.
"Yea sure." I shrugged.

We made our way to the elevator before heading towards Lily Roses room. I looked in the window first to see her sitting up and playing the hand hit game with Elsa. I slowly opened the door causing the three of them to look up.

"Mommy." Lily cheered.
"Hey baby, you have a nice sleep?" I asked sitting where Chris was.
"Yea. Daddy!!" She squealed.
"Hey there darling. How you feeling?" HE asked, sitting beside her on the bed.
"Good." She nodded as the doctor came in.

"How is she doctor?" I asked standing up again.
"She is as fine as can be considering the situation. We will have a blood test to see if the radiation worked or not withen the next few weeks. Other then that she is free to go." He smiled at us.
"Thank you doctor." Troye nodded.
"I'll have a nurse come in and take the oxygen tube off her and then you can sign her out. Good day." He said before leaving.

The nurse came in soon afterwards and disconnected Lily Rose from the oxygen before giving her a sticker and leaving. Troye started to pack all of her stuff while I got her changed into something comfy.

 Troye started to pack all of her stuff while I got her changed into something comfy

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I then left to sign her out. Once everything was sorted Troye picked Lily up and we went on to my car where he strapped her in and got n beside her. Alfie got in beside me and Jacob went beside Troye. 

As soon as we got home Lily ran out into the garden. I laughed and got everyone cups of tea and juice before we sat outside in the sun. Luke, Elsa, Chris and Samantha had warned their kids to go easy with their cousin so they played a gentle game of tag. Soon they were tired and went to sleep in the spare rooms. Shortly after them myself and the others headed up as well. I cuddled up to Alfie who kissed my head and soon fell asleep.

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