London here we come

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By the way when the writing is in this style then it means she is vlogging.


Zoe Hemsworth to become Laura Craft

18 year old Zoe Hemsworth, sister of Chris Hemsworth, is making it big in new movie

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18 year old Zoe Hemsworth, sister of Chris Hemsworth, is making it big in new movie.
The actress, singer and youtuber has confirmed that she will be starring in the movie Tomb Raider as the main character. The movie is based on the hit video game 'tomb raider' which is about a young girl fighting. However, in the movie, we have more of an insight about why she is fighting. 
Zoe spoke out about her new role and says there is a reason for going for it. "The character portrays a strong, independent woman and I like that. I feel like all women are strong and should be given the independence that they deserve. We shouldn't have to hide behind men and have to rely on them."
The movie will be filmed in London and the actress is meant to be bringing her two year old daughter, Lily Rose Hemsworth-Sivan, along with the journey. Troye is also rumored to be going to visit the two every month during filming.
"Zoe and Troye talked it out and although Troye disagrees with it, Lily Rose will be going with her mother." A source claimed, "They both talked it through until his parents came in and said that it would be best for her to be with her mother because of natural reasons."
Zoe will be flying out this evening with her daughter and fellow youtuber Troye to London where they will meet with Alfie Deyes, Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman.


Zoe POV:

Good morning guys, so I am talking quietly because Lily is currently asleep

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Good morning guys, so I am talking quietly because Lily is currently asleep.
I turns camera to her.
" Isn't she adorable."
 I bring the camera back to facing me.
"So, as you can tell we are in a car and that is because we are going to the airport. Troye is also here driving."
I show Troye and then brings it back.
"So yea, it is currently 4am and we got up at 2 so it was a very early start. This morning was very busy between getting myself sorted, Lily sorted and packing last minute essentials. I didn't really pack much for Lily because knowing the British crew, they most likely bought stuff for her, they always do, so, she just has one suitcase. But, I did bring stuff for the guys over in London because....."
I stopped when I hear Lily whine and turn to look at her. Troy looks through the mirror.
"I thought she was waking up, no ok, anyway, what was I saying, oh yea, so I got them something because they do spoil lily quite a bit.  Anyway, yea, so we are going to London because I am going to be starring in the new movie Tomb Raider and yea, so I am going there. I have bought or rented, whichever you want to call it, because it is just easier. lily can then run around in her own space and then I don't have to worry about annoying neighbors when friends are over. So yea."
"Daddy." Lily groaned tiredly.
 I turn around to face her.
 "Yes baby." Troye asked looking through the rear view mirror.
"here we going" She asked.
"We are going to the airport. And going onto the airplane." Troye said as he turned left.
"Lying t'ings?" She asked confused.
"Yes sweetie, flying things." Troye said laughing slightly.
"Do you want a drink?"
I ask lily and she nods.
"Where did I put it now is the question. Oh here it is, there you go."
I carefully open Lilys beaker before giving it to her.
"Be careful with it now, don't spill it. So yea, that's basically what we are doing. Look Lily there's the airport. I'll catch up with you when we are at London."
I cover the lens.

I turn off my camera and put it in my bag just as Troye parked the car. I got out and helped Lily out of her car seat before grabbing her rug sack and putting it on her back. I then got my things and Troye got Lilys suitcase. He picked her up as we went through the airport to check in. Once sorted we put our bags onto security and then went for something to eat.

"You excited lily?" Troye asked as he cleaned her face.
"Yea." She chirped.
"Your going to see Aunt Tanya and Uncle Jim and Alfie aren't you." I smiled.
"Uncle Al'ie." She clapped.
"Yea." I smiled.
'flight to London leaving in 20 mins.'
"We better go."

I picked up Lily and we made our way onto the plane. I sat Lily in her seat between me and Troye before sitting down on my window seat. Troye placed our bags above before sitting down beside Lily. Once we were in the air I unstrapped Lily before taking out my laptop and starting to edit my vlog from yesterday. Once done I looked over to see Lily asleep on Troyes shoulder and Troye on his laptop with earphones on. I smiled at the sight before looking out the window. 

"Please fasten your seat belts and prepare to land."
I awoke to the sound of the air hostess came through the intercom.

"Lily sweetheart, come one, time to wake up darling." I said shaking her gently.
"Mummy" She whined.
"Your going to see Alfie Jim and Tanya."
he brightened up as Troye put her seat belt on.

Once we landed Troye took our bags down before picking up Lily and walking off the plane and to the bagging. Once we had our bags I took Lilys hand as we walked around looking for the guys. I took out my vlogging camera and started vlogging when I seen Alfie waving towards us and smiled. We went over and Lily decided to run over to him. I turned the camera to her.

"Al'ie." She called running over to him.
Alfie crouched down and picked her up.

Alfie crouched down and picked her up

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"Hello little one." He said placing her on his hip.
I smiled as I hugged Tanya.
"I'm so happy your here." Tanya smiled.
"Glad to be here. Hi Jim."
"Hi Zo" Jim smiled as I hugged him.
"We ready to go?" Alfie asked.
"Yea I think we are. Troye?" I asked looking at him.
"I'm ready when you are."
"Well then let's go." Alfie said using the voice he uses when filming causing Lily to laugh.

We went off towards the cars. Cameras came over but we ignored them as we rushed around Alfie to prevent them getting pictures of Lily. Alfie hid Lily in his neck. Once we were out Alfie placed lily into a car seat before I got in beside her and Tanya got in the front with Alfie. Jim and Troye went in Jims car.  The two cars made sure not to run over the crowds of people before heading on to the house I bought while I was here, Alfie in front.

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