The world is in the know

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Zoe POV:

"hey Lily, can you come here for a minute, Mommy and papa Alfie have something to tell you

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"hey Lily, can you come here for a minute, Mommy and papa Alfie have something to tell you." I called to my daughter.
She looked up at us expectantly as she got off the floor and came over to us. Alfie placed her on his lap as we all got comfortable.
"You know how you've wanted a baby brother or sister?" Alfie asked.
"Yea." She said, confused.
"Well your getting one." He said excitedly.
"I am, where is it?" She asked, looking around.
Alfie and I laughed as she looked around the room.
"It's not here yet, it has to grow for a while before it can come live with us."  I explained, picking her up and placing her in the middle of us.
Her face drops a little.
"Okay, I hope it's not too long though, I have a lot of stuff I wanna show and tell it. Like how papa Alfie  always somehow manages to get in 'trouble' when Uncle Sean is here, and how I have to hid the nutella from daddy when he comes so he doesn't eat it on me, and how we have lots of aunts and uncles even though the aren't part of the 'fam'. Mummy, is Daddy going to be daddy to my baby brother or sister because I don't want to share it." She said putting air quotations between trouble and fam before pouting near the end.

"Don't want to share me with what?"Troye asked as he and Jacob came into the living room where the three of us were sitting.
"Mummy said that I'm going to have a baby brother or sister and I don't want to share you with it." She pouted again.
"Aww sweetie, you don't have to share me with him or her. If your sharing anyone it will be mommy." He said as he picked Lily up.
"Well I already did that with papa Alfie so." she shrugged.
"What about me with your dad." Jacob asked smiling at her.
Lily put on a thoughtful look before replying.
"Well your not clingy." She stated.
"And I am." Alfie said.
Lily looked at him.
"One boyfriend at a time please." She said with sass before jumping out of her daddys arms and jumping off.

"So your pregnant?" Troye smiled, looking at me.
"Yea, I am." I said standing up.
"Congrats, how long?" Jacob asked as Troye hugged me.
"About a month." Alfie said as Jacob hugged me."
"Daddy! daddy Jacob, we need to finish our tea party." We heard Lily call.
"Coming princess Lily." Jacob called before the two left the room.

I sat on the couch and leaned back. Alfie sat beside me and I cuddled into him, breathing a sigh of relief.

"That went well." He said, looking down at me.
"It did." I said as I turned to face him clearer.
"It was a very entertaining turn to it but went well none the less." He said causing me to laugh.
"I liked it when she pointed out that you and Sean get in trouble all the time."  laughed as he nodded.
"I know, you trained a child to insult someone like me who's been in her life for awhile." He said.
"Well you better get used to it, you heard it here, she's gong to teach the baby all the stuff."I reminded him with a grin.
"Oh I don't think I can forget." He said jokingly as we cuddled up together.



Zoe_Hemsworth: Our life is going to change for good, The moment of super joy touch wood, We are expecting a new bundle of joy, making room for more toys, wanted to share our happness all around, we are pleased to say, I'm pregnant

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Zoe_Hemsworth: Our life is going to change for good, The moment of super joy touch wood, We are expecting a new bundle of joy, making room for more toys, wanted to share our happness all around, we are pleased to say, I'm pregnant. #1month

tagged: alfiedeyes

liked by tyleroakley louisepentland tanyaburr and 701,000 others

username: OMG, a baby Deyes.
username2: Clearly you don't watch their vlogs @username.
tanyaburr: I need to watch your vlogs more often, Congratulations you two.
jimchapman: I'm so happy for the both of you, congratulations.
hemsworthmamma: There's going to be a baby around the house, yay!!!

hemsworthmamma: There's going to be a baby around the house, yay!!!

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alfiedeyes: A grand adventure is about to begin. #8monthsleft

tagged: Zoe_Hemsworth

liked by poppydeyes seanOC amandadeyes and 909,000 others

username: Congratulations.
joesugg: Can I be the godfather?
username: Trust Joe to say that
username2: I mean, @Zoe_Hemsworth and him are god-siblings so maybe
amandadeyes: My first grandchild. I always thought it would be poppy first but I'm proud none the less.
Zoe_Hemsworth: You know, that's what my mum said when I fell pregnant the first time @amandadeyes
niomismart: Congrats to the both of you, much proudness for you

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