All is revealed

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Zoe POV:

"we need to tell them soon

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"we need to tell them soon.i think some of them are getting suspicious" I told Alfie as he came into the room
It has been a week since I told Alfie  that I was pregnant and we had yet to tell the family of the news. None of them watched our vlogs so they didn't know of the news and both of us had asked our fans not to tweet them until we revealed it.
"You aren't really showing...why do you think they are suspicious?" He asked as he looked into the hall making sure no one could hear.
My family was over and downstairs, talking to Alfies family as they meet in person for the first time.
"I haven't drank during the time they have been here when I offered them one and i was sick a lot recently." I explained
"we will tell them soon, just enjoy it between the two of us for now." he told me before putting on his shirt.

I nodded and dropped the subject so he could finish getting ready.Once he was sorted we both made our way downstairs where the others were sitting in the living room. Troye was bringing Lily back tomorrow so  I knew the kids wouldn't be bored then. 

At dinner we all decided to go out for dinner to save the hassle of cooking for so many people. We went to the restaurant down town that was small but had a long table to fit us all together. After we ordered everyone started talking about different things and Alfie turned to me.

"I think we should tell them now. I mean our family are here and like you said they are probably suspicious as to why you aren't drinking like the rest of us are." He whispered to me.
"Do you think they would rather hear the news in private? Do you think they will take the news good or bad?" I asked him.
"My mom is always talking about us having kids in the future. so I like to think she will be okay with it, as will dad. And you've been pregnant before so I'm sure your mom won't mind"
"Well its your parents. If you find a time tonight that seems right..then do it" I told him as I leaned in to give him a quick kiss.
"Break it up love birds" Sean joke and I laughed along with the others.

The meal went on and my face was starting to hurt from smiling and laughing so much. The conversations between the boys were funny. Soon the conversation switched to something else and everyone started talking about how having a child was a blessing and curse. Both mine and Alfies mom, Amanda were all talking about how cute we were when we were children until Amanda started talking about Alfie and I having one of our own.

"I cant wait till Alfie and Zoe get married and start having little ones" She said looking down at us.
"They would have very cute kids" Poppy added.
"I know i get so excited thinking about having grandparents"She said causing Alfie to look over at me.
"Actually mom" He started which got everyone's attention and silenced them
"You might not have to wait much longer" He confessed.
"Wait. Is Zoe pregnant?" Chris blurted out quickly
"Alfie, is she?" His mother asked.
"yeah...she is" he told them, looking at me.
"Oh my God, I'm so excited" Amanda said jumping out of her seat with Nick, his dad, following to come and home hug us.

After getting hugs from more people I sat down and ate dessert. Soon after it we started to head back to ours. Alfie gave out win to the women and beer to the lads once all the children were gone to bed. Since they were all staying here they took a glass or bottle.

"So how far along are you again?" Nick asked, looking at me.
"I'm about a month gone." I told him.
"When did you guys find out?" Amanda now asked
"Last week. She knew a few days before me. You can check our vlogs to see her telling me." Alfie explained.
"An unplanned baby?" Mum asked causing us both to nod
 "An unplanned baby is just as special as a planned one"Poppy smiled at us.
"As shown with little Lily." Luke smiled.
"Your not mad?" I asked my brothers, shocked.
"No. You had Lily when you were young. Although we would of liked for you to be married before having another child, we're fine with it. Alfie seems like a keeper." Chris smiled.
"Love you." I smiled.
"Love you too." The three said causing everyone around you to awe.
"Does Lily know yet?" Elsa asked.
"That's next on our list." I said, looking at Alfie.
"She'll be fine. Be jealous at the start but will soon be fine, don't worry." Samantha smiled.
"I know she will. She's been talking of how she wished for a younger sibling." I said, smiling fondly.
"then they're will be no issue." Amanda smiled. 
"Well I'm going to head to bed. See you all in the morning." I smiled standing up.

Everyone called out their goodnight as I made my way upstairs. I took of my make up and got into my Pj's before getting into bed. Shortly after I got comfy Alfie came in. I turned to him as he got under the covers.

"I love you." He smiled, kissing me.
"I love you too." I smiled, cuddling into his chest.

Alfie wrapped his arms around me before turning off the light and kissing my head.

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