Big scare

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Zoe POV:

"Mommy i don't feel well

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"Mommy i don't feel well."
"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked getting up from the couch and kneeling in front of Lily.
"My tummy hurts and here." She said pointing to her head.
"Wanna lie with mommy and uncle Alfie?"
She nods and I get up.

 I watch her make her way to the couch and notice her having trouble walking. Alfie must of noticed it too because he got up and helped her to the couch. I sat beside where my daughter lay and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Her forehead was warm and she seemed in pain. Just as I moved my hand she turned over and vomited. I helped her up so she wouldn't choke. I rubbed her back and once she was finished she leaned into me. I kissed her head and played with her hair in comfort. Alfie left to get something to clean up. Once she was asleep I layed her on the sofa and placed a blanket over her.

I left her there to sleep until after lunch before waking her up. She groaned before sitting up and clinging to me. I rubbed her back as I sat on the couch before pulling back to look at her. she was paler then last time and seemed out of it. Alfie came in and crouched in front of us rubbing her arm gently.She blinked her eyes rapidly every know and then.

"little one do you want to tell me how many fingers I am holding up?" Alfie asked holding up two fingers.
"Four." She said as she leaned back into me.
I looked at Alfie in confusion. He nodded and took my hand rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

"How about we get something to eat?" I said down to her and she nodded.
"Want to try walk?" I asked.
"Yea." She said before whimpering.

I got up and placed her down on the ground still holding onto her by the hands. we walked slowly to the kitchen when suddenly she fell backwards. I gasped and caught her before she could hit the ground. I looked down at her to see her not moving. I layed her down on the ground in a panic and shook her gently.

"Lily. lily baby can you open your eyes please. Open your eyes for mommy." I said in a panic desperately trying to get her to wake up.
Alfie rushed towards us and checked her over before standing up.
"I'm calling an ambulance." He said before leaving the room.
He soon came back.
"They said to leave her be and not to move her. They'll be here as soon as they can." he said.

I cried and he kneeled beside me pulling me into a hug. I clung to him as he rubbed my back. He reached over and grabbed my phone and clicked through it before handing it to me. I looked at it to see Troyes number on the phone. I looked at him still crying. He took it off me and pressed call. I just cried in his arms as he talked into the phone.

Troye POV:

I was sitting with my family in the living room with Jacob when my phone started ringing. i looked at it to see Zoes name popping up. i clicked answer before placing it at my ear.

"Hi Zoe." I said into the phone.
"Troye, it's Alfie." I heard Alfie say across the phone.
"Alfie? What's going on?" I asked moving into the hall.
Just then I heard someone crying near him.
"no um, Troye can you get the next flight here."
"Why what's going on?" I asked as Jacob came out with a look of confusion.
"Mate Lily's being rushed to hospital. She collapsed." He explained as I heard sirens in the distance.
"What! I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as I can." I said before hanging up in a rush.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked.
"Lily's collapsed and is being rushed to hospital. I've to go back to London." I explained rushing up the stairs.
"Want me to go with you?"
"If you don't mind." i said in a rush.
"I'll tell your family." He said before leaving.

I rushed to pack some clothes with my mind only on my daughter and hoping she was alright.

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