Well, uhh, yea

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Zoe POV:

"You excited?" I asked Lily looking through the rear view window

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"You excited?" I asked Lily looking through the rear view window.
"Yea." She exclaimed.
"Daddies coming isn't he." I smiled.
"Yea." She giggled.
"Yea, so Troye is coming to visit and to spend time with Lily. Because, I am, you know, currently filming, we are nearly done filming but, Troye is coming to see her because, you know, he's her dad and he can. That sounds like I don't want him to, I do, he's great with her so why stop him. Most men would run away from it if they are young but he stayed, and I am grateful of that."
I  turn into the car park and park.
"So we are now at the airport and we are going to head on in because his flight is due to land innnnn, 10 mins."

I turn off my camera and put it in my car glove pocket before getting out. I help Lily out before taking her hand and locking the car. We walked into the airport and once in I sat on one of the many benches with Lily on my lap. We sat there watching cartoons on my phone  until they announced that the Australian plane had landed. I got up and placed Lily on my hip as I made my way to the gate. I watched out for troye and Lilys eyes light up when he came into view. She ran over to him and Troye scooped her up in his arms. She giggled as he kissed her cheek. Once they came to me he placed her down and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey." I smiled pulling away.
"Hi." He smiled.
I looked up to see a man around Troyes age standing awkwardly beside him. I looked down to see them holding hands and smirked, looking back at Troye.
"Who's this?" I asked motioning to the guy while smirking.
"Oh sorry, this is Jacob, my boyfriend."
I smiled wider.
"hi, my names Zoe" I asked knowingly.
"It's nice to meet you too. don't worry, I know about everything and I am perfectly okay with it" He said shaking my hand.
"Well that's good. Makes things not awkward." I laughed.
They all laughed and Lily giggled. I looked down at her and smiled.
"Lily this is Jacob, your going to be seeing more of him. Jacob this is Lily, my daughter." Troye said proudly.
Jacob crouched down to Lily's height and smiled at her. lily hid behind me slightly but looked at him.
"Hi Lily, I've heard so much about you." Jacob smiled tickling her under the chin.
Lily giggled and looked up at me. I nodded and she ran over and hugged him. Surprised, Jacob hesitantly hugged back.
"Well now that the introductions are sorted, why don't we head home. Alfie will probably be there." I smiled.

They nodded and we went to the bagging area

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They nodded and we went to the bagging area. They gathered their stuff with my help before making our way to the car. Lily held Jacobs hand as we went into the car park. I placed the bags into the boot with Jacobs help as Troye clipped Lily into her seat. We talked about Troyes new single and when mine was coming out a week after my birthday. Once everything was sorted Jacob got in the front with me while Troye got in the back with Lily. I pulled out and turned on the radio. 

Half an hour later we got home. Alfies car was parked outside. I smiled as I got out and got Lily out before opening the car door for the lads. They gathered their stuff just as Alfie got out of his car. He rushed forward and helped the lads with their bags. Lily ran and hugged his leg before running ahead of me to the door. I laughed and opened it for her and she ran to the playroom.  I showed Troye and Jacob to their rooms.

"Jacob this is yours. Do you guys share rooms or do you want your own ones?" I asked them.
They looked at each other and shrugged.
"I'll leave that for you to choose, if not then Troye, your room is where you were last time."
"Cool." He said.

I smiled and left them to it. I walked downstairs to see Alfie sitting on the couch watching TV. I sat beside him and he put his arm around me, pulling me closer. I smiled as he kissed my shoulder. 

"I missed you." He smiled.
"You seen me yesterday." I giggled.
"Oh well." He shrugged.
I giggled and started playing with his fingers.
"How long has it been since Troye seen Lily?" he asked.
"In person 2 months, but he sees her every week by skype. Why?" I said
"Well why don't you and I go out tomorrow? Give Troye time with Lily and Jacob can get to know her more." He said.
"Like a date?"
"Well, uhh, yea." he said shyly.
I looked up at him, smiling at his cuteness. I kissed his cheek.
"i would love to." I smiled at him.
He smiled and kissed my head before snuggling into me as we watched the TV.

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