2 month scan

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Zoe POV:

"Alfie, you ready!" I called up the stairs"Coming

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"Alfie, you ready!" I called up the stairs
"Coming." He replied, appearing on the top stairs.
"Lets go." I smiled, taking Lilys hand who was beside me the whole time.
"Mummy, why is Daddy Alfie slow." Lily asked as I watched her fasten her belt and closed the door.
"I dunno sweetie, why don't you ask him?" I smiled up at Alfie.
"Daddy Alfie, why are you so slow?"
"Well I need to be sure that I'm ready." 
"You take longer then mommy." She laughed as I got in.

Alfie started the car and started driving to Poppy and Seans. They were minding Lily while we went for our appointment. They were going to bring her to the park and for a surprise and Lily was pretty excited for it. As soon as we stopped outside she unfastened her belt and jumped out of the car as Sean opened it before I even got out. 

"Alright, give a kiss to mommy so she and daddy Alfie can get going." Poppy smiled.
"Bye mommy." Lily said, throwing her arms around me.
"Bye baby." I said, standing back up.
"Bye daddy Alfie." She said, going to the door where Alfie had the window open.
"Bye sweetheart." He said, giving her a high five.

I smiled and got back into the car. Lily stood with Poppy and Sean as they waved us off before heading back inside. Alfie drove us to the hospital. It was quite as we got in so we were fast to get checked in. We sat down at the waiting room and were soon called in.

 "First time being here?" The sonographer smiled towards us.
Alfie sat shyly in the chair next to me as I sat on the bed.
"In a while yea." I half-smiled, rubbing my stomach as I lifted the t shirt to show it as I leaned back on the bed.
  "Well, Misses and Mister Deyes, I'm Mrs. Lauren, I'm your sonographer for today."  She smiled getting ready.
Both me and Alfie looked at each other in timid. Alfie starting to scratch his neck
"We're not married." He half mumbled making Mrs. Lauren blush.
"Oh I'm sorry then, my bad." She mumbled looking back at the papers, "Couple?"
"Yes. For two years." I smiled.

"Cute. I suppose there will be a proposal soon since they'll be a little one running around soon." She joked, looking at Alfie.
"Not for a while. And if I do I think I'll have to ask her daughter first." HE joked back.
"How old is your first child?" She asked as she placed the gel on my stomach
"How does she feel about becoming a big sister?"
"Well she is actually really looking forward to it. She's been asking for a little brother or sister for a while so she was thrilled when we told her the news." I smiled. 

I reached out towards Alfie as she started moving the gel around. Alfie took my hand and intertwined our fingers together. The sonographer formed a small smile on her lips. Mrs. Lauren pressed a button, turning on the TV in front of us. 

"As you can see on the screen, this is your baby." She lifted the mouse around to point around and giving information about it here and there. 

Alfie looked down at our intertwined hands before lifting it to his lips, giving my palm a small kiss. I looked fast over at him, yet he only looked back at the screen as I watched him, acting off as nothing had happened. Looking back at the sonographer, I felt Alfie squeeze my hand slightly. I smiled as Lauren showed us the area of the baby. Soon we were finished and she wiped the remaining gel off of my stomach before allowing me to sit up.

"Right, here you are. This is your ultrasound. Your next one can determine the sex should you want to know." She smiled, handing me a piece of paper with the ultrasound on it. 
Alfie smiled at it in awe.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"See you soon." She said, opening the door for us as we went by.

"Right, should we go get our other baby." Alfie smiled once we were n the car.
"Yes we should." I smiled.

With that Alfie took out his vlogging camera and placed it on the holder before starting the car and heading off. I took out mine and started explaining what I had been doing for the morning. Once we got to Poppy and Seans we headed in where we seen the three of them sitting on the sofa watching telly with Amanda and Nick. We greeted them and sat down with them, spending the remainder of the day with them before heading home to put Lily to bed.

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