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Zoe POV:

"I think we should tell the family today

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"I think we should tell the family today." Troye said walking into the living room.
"Yea, I think so." I sighed sitting up properly.
Troye sat own as well as Jacob and Alfie came in.
"hey, she'll be ok." Jacob tried to comfort us.
"What if she's not?" I said.
"don't think like that. We will get through it. Have you chosen what way you want to go?" Alfie asked.
"Radiation. Then if all fails we can have chemotherapy." Troye said looking at me.
"Yea. We want it to be least painful as possible for her." I explained.
The boys nodded.

"Mummy!! Daddy!!" I heard Lily cry.
"I better go get her." I said getting up

I made my way upstairs into Lilys room. lily sat up on her bed rubbing her eyes.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" I asked sitting on her bed.
"Nightmare." She whined.
"Any pain today?" I asked putting hair behind her ear.
"No mummy." She shook her head.
"Ok but if there ever is. Tell me or daddy ok?" I said.

She nodded. I smiled and got up to go to her closet. I picked out a playsuit and some sandals before heading back to her and helping her get ready. Once she was dressed I pulled her hair back into a pony tail. She pranced out of the room when I was finished. I followed behind her and laughed as she jumped on top of Alfie.

 I followed behind her and laughed as she jumped on top of Alfie

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"Oh, dear, someone's hyper today." Alfie groaned jokingly.
"I better." She explained happily.
"Well sweetie, your going to be good some days and bad other days." I explained getting my laptop.
"What 'hat mean?" She asked innocently.
I smiled and kissed her head before setting up my laptop. Troye set up his as well.

"Hi sweetie." Mum smiled appearing on the screen.
"Hi mum." I smiled.
"Everything alright?" She asked.
"Umm, you'll know in a minute, Just getting the boys up. Is any of them with you?" I asked searching up Luke on skype.

"Yea Miley and Liam are.Want me to get them?" 
"Please." I said as I requested video call with my oldest brother.
"I'll get Chris." Troye said as I seen his family there.
"Ok. Hi Mellets." I smiled waving towards them.

"Hey sis, everything alright?" luke asked appearing on the screen.
"Not really, hang on we're just getting Chris. Can you get Samantha please, there's something we need to tell you all. " I said.

Soon after everyone was there and waiting for us to speak. I looked at Troye and he looked at me. Jacob and Alfie had went out with Lily to leave us some time to explain everything to our parents and siblings.

"Right, now there is a reason why we wanted to talk to you all together." I explained.
"Sweetie what's wrong? Is everything ok?"Laurelle asked us softly.
"There is no easy way to say this." Troye started.
"Lily Rose has, um, she has brain cancer." I said picking at my hands.
"What?" Mum asked after silence.
"Yea, she has to have radiation or chemotherapy." I explained.
"Which did you go for?" Shaun asked.
"We went for radiation. That way if it unfortunately doesn't work she can still have the chemotherapy." i explained looking at the mellet family.
"When will that be?" Chris asked.
"Whenever they can fit it in. However if we go private they can fit it in next month." Troye explained.
"Zoe i think for that type of thing you should go private. The sooner the better." Mum stated.
"And the other kids that have it." I asked.
"Worry about Lily first. She's your daughter." Luke stated.
I sighed.
"I think we will go private." i said.
"Right well, if there is anything we can do let us know, we'll be there as soon as we can." Laurelle stated.
"Thanks mom." Troye smiled.
"same here. You need all the help you can get at the minute." Mum smiled.
The three boys nodded while their significant others smiled sadly.
"Just thought we should let you know." I smiled.
"Well we all need to pull together now more then ever." Shaun stated.
Everyone nodded and smiled.
"Are you telling the fans?" Miley asked.
Troye and I looked at each other.



Zoe_Hemsworth:You may not be a parent of a child with cancer

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Zoe_Hemsworth:You may not be a parent of a child with cancer. child cancer may not be your priority. The day before Lily was diagnosed I wasn't a cancer parent either. #braincancersucks #fcancer I will be taking time off filming but I might vlog sometimes. However I will not be vlogging when going to hospital.

liked by 78,000 people

username:Praying for you
tanyaburr:Heartbreaking for such an amazing young girl
username2: thoughts go out to you during this hard time
username3: Oh no, terrible thing to happen to a wonderful child
jimchapman: Hope for the best
username4: Undeserved 

username:Praying for youtanyaburr:Heartbreaking for such an amazing young girlusername2: thoughts go out to you during this hard timeusername3: Oh no, terrible thing to happen to a wonderful childjimchapman: Hope for the bestusername4: Undeserved 

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troyesivan: Children get cancer too. Please don't look away from your little one because tomorrow could bring a battle hard to accept. #braincanersucks #fcancer. I will be taking time off to be with my babygirl through ths time. Please respect us during this time.

liked by 56,000 people

username: Omg, poor Lily Rose
username2: My heart goes to you at the battle your about to face.
username3: Heartbreaking.
username4: Praying for you.

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