Labor while Alfie is at a meeting

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Zoe POV:

 "Are you sure you want me to go? I can call in and say that something came up if you want

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 "Are you sure you want me to go? I can call in and say that something came up if you want." Alfie said as he opened his car door.
"Alfie I'll be fine. Don't worry. Mums here anyway." I smiled, kissing his check.
"But what if you get those pains again, but this time it's actual."
"Alfie." I said, giving him the look and he sighed.
"Call if something happens." He said.
"I will. Now go." I said pushing him gently.

He got into the car and I closed the door before he drove off. I waved before making my way in where mum was playing with Lily Rose. I smiled and sat down, rubbing my stomach before the doorbell went off.

"Lily, come on. That must be daddy." I smiled getting up again.
"daddy." She screamed, grabbing her bag and running towards the door.
"Slow down, mummy cant go that fast." I laughed, opening the door.
"Hey." Troye smiled as Lily attacked him in a hug.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Hows the pregnancy going?"
"Good." I smiled rubbing my stomach.
"Not long now." He smiled.
"Yea, I can't wait. Another little one. You still taking Lily for the first week afterwards?" I asked.
"Course." He smiled.
"Right well. I shall talk to you tomorrow then." He said.
"Bye, have fun Lily." I smiled.
"Bye mummy." She said hugging my waist. "Bye baby." She whispered to my bump before running off with Troye following close behind.

I went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Mum went and made some dinner while I checked the phone to see if I had any messages from my brothers. 

"You have one new message" the machine said and I clicked on the button and listened to the message
"Hey baby sis, I've tried to call you or text you but it seems as if the reception isn't so good around here. Mum told us about the false alarms, wish I was there to help you. Anyway I miss you and I'm sorry we won't be there when you give birth but we'll see you both soon." I heard Liam say through the speaker.
 End of message." the machine continued. 

I could feel my baby kicking like they were happy to hear their soon to be uncles voice. I made my way into the kitchen where mum was dishing up some dinner. Once finished I made my way back to the living room and lay there. Mum came in and we watched 'keeping up with the kardashians' before I fell asleep on the couch. 

About an hour later I woke up to a sharp pain in my abdomen. I breathed in and out like they had taught me in the class I took with Alfie. I looked to the side to see that mum was no where to be seen.

"It's just a false alarm it's just a false alarm" I told myself as I felt another nerve wrecking pain.
 I stood up when suddenly I felt water run down my leg and saw the puddle of water under my feet.
"Oh no no no no not now." I said through clenched teeth and kept breathing.
"Mum." I cried out.
Another pain shot through me as mum came rushing in before gasping when she seen me.
"Zoe honey just keep breathing ok?" Mum told me while she stroked my hair.
"It hurts. I thought it would be easier since I've done this before." I cried
" I know baby I know. I thought the same." Mum said and I could hear the pain in her voice as she got her phone and called someone. 

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