Chapter 7

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Veronica POV

"I cannot do this Nick!" I shouted. We were talking about Project Insight. He wants me again to design the weapon for not one but three Helicarriers.

"Why?" He asked. "Because I feel this is not right. People cannot walk around when they are under the radar. And you are calling it protection!" I argued.

"Then what is protection? You want us to react after the war is over? After the casualties!" He responded.

"We are not in war Fury" I said. "Yes, we are Ronnie! If you don't believe call Captain." He said. That stopped me. Steve indeed said that we are always at war.

"You are designing the weapons for the Helicarriers. Any questions?" He asked. I didn't reply anything.


6 months later......

"You should have seen Clint's face when he found I didn't bring you" Nat said. She just met Clint and Laura and their kids. I wanted to go, but I had been busy.

"Work calls" I said. "I just miss him, all of them it's been two years. Hell I even miss Thor " I continued.

"Anyone whom you are missing a bit more than others?" She smirked. It was Steve. I didn't see him for 6 months. I visited him when I first came here. Then no.

"Wait. Is it that obvious?" I asked. "Very obvious" she replied. I closed my face in embarrassment.

"Its's been two years. You really think that this will be mutual?" I asked her. "I am a 100 percent sure that it is mutual" she said. Both looked at each other.

"Okay! Get out. You are distracting me from work" I said turning to the tablet in my hand. "Oh! don't know what I have in handy. I want you to pick him up and meet me on the way. We exchange cars. We have a mission together" she said. I glared at her.

"No way!"I said. " are! I just texted him" she said making her way out waving her phone." But Nat...." she cut me off.

"He is waiting for you!" She shouted. "Great!" I huffed.


I texted Steve to meet me at the curb. I pulled up in front of the curb and saw Steve talking with another guy.

"Hey there! You know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil" I joked. Steve smiled at me . "That's hilarious " he said getting inside the car.

"I swear Nat told me to say that" I said and looked at the other person. "How you doing?" He asked. "Good...... Veronica Booth " I said. "Sam Wilson" he Said

"Can't run everywhere " Steve said. "No, you can't " Sam replied. I turned the key to start the car.

"Nice to meet you Wilson" I said. "Same here" he said and I pulled away the car.

"Nice guy huh?" I said. "He is" Steve replied. "So what are you doing here? We met few months back, but you never said what you were doing." He asked.

"I have some work in SHIELD" I replied. "And I am no suppose to know it?" He asked. I looked at him.

"You deserve to know everything

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"You deserve to know everything. But I am not the best person to explain. And trust me you will not like it" I said. He gave me a serious face.

"So did you catch-up the world?" I asked. "Yeah, pretty much" he said. "Is it better than your's?" I asked. "I don't know....both has pros and cons" he replied.

"You never talk about it, do you?" I questioned. "Not fond of old memories rushing in" he said looking down sadly.

"I..I am sorry if I..." he cut me off. "'s nothing. I had people close. My friend Bucky, Stark's father.........Agent Carter" he said the last name with a very sad tone.

"Was she very close to you?" I asked softly. He looked at me with his green eyes. "No....but I wish" he said. I didn't have anything to say. I realized it was a sensitive topic for him to discuss.

"Is she...still.." I struggled to get words out. But he looked like he understood.

"Yeah she is. After all these years. She is still here. I got her back" he said. "She got you back too" I said as we reached the place. I stopped the car and both of us looked each other. And then we got out.

We saw Nat coming towards us. "There is the fossil. Thank you for the delivery " Nat said smiling. Steve and me smiled. Both of us threw car keys at each other and caught the exchanged keys.

"I'll meet you after your mission" I said greeting inside the car Nat came. I ignited the engine and took one last look at Steve. He was already looking at me. I pulled away.


I made my way towards Fury's office to show him the report with the project. I entered his room without knocking only to find Steve there too. He looked angry.

"Wrong timing" I said. "No, I was just going to show Captain...." I cut him off. "The peak of stupidity that we are building. Good Luck!" I said in a very annoyed tone. Fury walked past me with a very angry look towards the elevator.

Steve stood there and looked at me wanting me to say something. But I maintained silence. He followed Fury.

I still was in Fury's office waiting for him to return. The door opened and not Fury but Steve came in.

"So did you like it?" I asked. He looked at me with a very angry face. "Join the club" I said. "You are helping them in this?" He asked in the same angry tone.

"Uh..uh.....they are forcing me to help them in this" I said. "And they are calling it protection" he said. I sighed.

" are literally repeating the exact same words I said to Fury. I tried. I didn't have a choice" I said.

"I thought if I do this I'll at least know what is happening. That's the only reason I signed it" I continued.

"You really think this will work?" He asked. "It's better if it does" I said. We stood there in silence when I walked towards the door.

"It was good seeing you back Steve" I said opening the door and walking out. I know Steve is on my side in this. We are totally against Project Insight.

Here comes CA:WS.......

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