Chapter 10

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Veronica POV

I rushed to the SHIELD once I landed. I ran inside building right towards the elevator. Just as I was about to enter someone pulled me.

"What do you need?" I asked annoyed. "Dr. Booth listen to me. I am Agent 13. You have listen to me. Director Fury is dead" she said. I looked at her shocked. Dead!!

"Dead? What do you mean dead?" I asked panicking. "He was in Captain America's house yesterday night when he was shot." She explained. That's is impossible. Steve would have protected him. Tears started to  form in my eyes.

"Do you know...where is he? Where is Steve?" I struggled to get out words due to my shallow breath. "Agent Romanoff called me and told me that once you arrive, give this to you" she said handing me a bit of paper. It had phone number. They must be on a run.

"Oh....Thank You! Thank you so much...." I said relieved. At least I could talk with her. "No, issues. Do you want me to get something?" She asked.

"Yes, yes...get me a car " I said. She nodded. This was too much to take in. Who in the world would kill Nick? I held the wall for my support. Tears rolled down my cheeks.


She gave me car and again I rushed outside. I connected my phone to the AI of the car and dialled the number.

"Ronnie?" I heard Nat. "Nat...where are you? Are you safe? Where is Steve?" I rambled." Yes, yes we are safe. Steve is with me." She said.

"I missed a lot, didn't I? " I said. "Yeah. Listen Ronnie, I want you to come to the mall" she said. "Mall? What the hell are you doing in mall?" I asked confused.

"Get here, I'll explain" she said. "I'll be there in ten" I said and accelerated the car towards the mall.

I entered the mall and searched for them. They must be in undercover clothes. I searched and searched and searched. I heard cars pulling up in the front and saw SHIELD agents getting out. Now are they here for me or them?

I again searched for Nat and Steve. I looked around and noticed them getting down in the escalator. I moved to go towards them when I saw Rumlow ascending opposite to them.

Nat noticed him and turned around to face Steve. I knew exactly what she is gonna do. That's how we were trained. She pulled Steve by his neck and connected his lips with hers.

Walls of my heart shattered. I knew very well that this doesn't mean anything. They are distracting others. But still, I felt it. A pang on my heart.

Well the plan worked. Rumlow didn't seem to notice them. They got down the escalator when I walked towards them acting as if I didn't know what happened.

"Ronnie!....are you alright? " she asked as we walked out of the mall. "Yeah..yeah...I am fine" I said. I could sense Steve's eyes on me but still ignored them.

 I could sense Steve's eyes on me but still ignored them

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