Chapter 46

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Veronica POV

"I think we are here" Strange said. "I don't think this thing has s self park function" Tony said.

We all went towards the controls. "Get your hands inside the steering gibble" Tony said to Peter.

And he did. "You got in?" He asked.


"This is for one big guy. So we have to move at the same time"

"Ok, ready?" Peter asked. I looked through the front glass to see a big Orange planet.

"You must turn" I said.

"Uh..uh..turn! Turn! Turn!" Peter yelled. Tony put on his suit and both of them gave everything they could.

Yet we landed pretty badly. Very badly. The ship literally broke into pieces.

Me and Strange pit our hands out at the same time, putting up a large shield in front of us. Blue and Gold.

It saved us from the rough landing. "That was good."I said. Strange gave a small smile.

Peter and Tony we're on the floor. I helped Peter whole Strange helped Tony.

"That was close, I owe you one" he said. "You owe me  a lot already" I said.

"Let me just say that if Aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you, I'm sorry" Peter said.

"Eww...Pete!" I said.

"I don't want another pop culture reference from you for the rest of the trip, you understand" Tony warned.

"I'm trying to say that something is coming" Pete answered.

"You have senses?" I asked. As he was about to answer something exploded sending us down.

I slowly opened my eyes to see three people stepping out of a hole.

One looked ugly and a giant body. One looked like a man and wore a mask. And the other was a girl, with antenna.

"What the hell?" I whispered as they started to attack. Even before I came to know what was happening the guy had Peter with him and Tony had the big ugly guy.

"Everybody stay where you are. Chill the eff out" the said taking out his mask. He indeed looked human.

"I'm going to ask you one more time...where is Gamora?" He asked.

"Good, I'll do one better. Who is Gamora?" Tony said.

"Well, my turn, why is Gamora?" The guy under Tony asked.

"Okay, I his is where you all stop!" I shouted. The guy saw.

"You brought a girl with you?" He asked suprised. He seemed to just notice me.


"Tell me or I swear to God I will French Fry this little freak" he aimed at Peter.

Fed up, I threw a large ball of energy on ground which again created a large wave.

"You do one scratch on that boy! I'll tear you into peices" I warned.

"You seriously?" He mocked me. "Don't you make fun of her. You don't know her" Tony warned.

"Oh man come on. You can take a girl" the big guy under Tony said.

"No you can't. Not her" the girl with antenna said.

"She's right. You can't" Strange added.

"You don't want to tell me where she is. Fine! I'll kill all four of you, and I'll beat it out of Thanos , my self starting with you" he aimed Peter's head.

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