Chapter 27

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Veronica POV

"Are you sure, you don't want me there?" I asked Steve. "Well, if you ask me, I would say yes. But Tony booked you" he said. I looked at him shocked.

"When did you guys start booking me?" I asked. "When both of us found that we couldn't do a damn thing without you" he said. I smiled at him.

"It's Rumlow. I think I can manage Rumlow" he said.  "Yeah, you can" I said.As we moved outside our room.

"Ms. Booth, Mr. Stark is waiting for you in a car outside" an agent informed.

"Yep. I'll catch up " I said . The team came out with their costumes ready for the mission."Call me once you catch him" I said to Steve. He nodded.

I leaned and gave him a kiss which he returned. And then I walked out. I walked past Sam. "Don't worry. We'll take care of your boyfriend" he said.

"My boyfriend is Captain America. He doesn't need care" I said punching his shoulders. I watched Wanda standing there. "Do good" I said. She nodded giving a smile. I made out of the building.

I saw Tony's car with Tony inside. I made my way towards it and entered into the passenger's seat.

Once I entered Tony gave me a hug. "Shall we?" He asked "Sure" I said and we took off.


We were in MIT. Tony is an alumni here. He just finished showing his invention. I was standing back stage.

"That's how I wished it happened" he said about what he showed now. His parents.

"Binarily Augumented Retro-Framing, or BARF. God, I gotta work on the acronym. An extremely costly method of hijacking the hippocampus to....clear traumatic memories" he blows a candle which dissolves the hologram surrounding him.

"It doesn't change the fact that they never made it to the airport....or all the things I did to avoid processing my grief, but..." he takes his glasses off.

"611 million dollars for my little therapeutic experiment? No one in the right mind would have ever funded it. Help me out, what's the MIT mission statement? 'To generate, disseminate....and preserve knowledge. And work with bring it to bear on the World's greatest challenges'. Well, you are the others. And, quite as its kept....the challenges facing you are the greatest mankind's  ever known. Plus, most of you are broke" he says and the crowd chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Rather you were. As of this my dearest partner Dr. Booth suggested...every student has been made and equal recipient of the Inaugural September Foundation Grant. As in...all of your projects have just been approved and funded" he announced and the crowd cheered.

Tony asked me what he should do to get a presentation good. I said win the hearts of the audience. So we thought of funding them would be the best.

"No strings, no taxes....just reframe the future! Starting now..." he stopped and looked sad. I looked over the teleprompter above the audience and it said to introduce Pepper. Tony and Pepper are having a break now. So it's gonna be tough for him.

"Go break some eggs" he says exiting the stage. "Tony..listen to me...," before I could talk a staff starts rambling and the walk out. I saw his assistant walking swiftly. She stopped seeing me.

"Ms. Booth. I am sorry about the Teleprompter. I didn't know Miss Potts had cancelled. They didn't have time to fix it" she apologized.

"No, its fine. I talk to him" I told her and walked towards Tony."Tony..." I start and he cuts off. "I'll be right back" he said walking towards the restroom.

It has been few minutes and I was still, waiting for him. I rang him up. "Ms. Booth, Mr. Stark is already in his car" FRIDAY said.

I made my way out. I indeed found him in the car. " alright?" I asked. He nodded. I entered in. Just then his phone beeped.

His expression changed from bad to worst. "What is it?" I asked. "You have work" he said and accelerated the car to the fullest.


I entered our Avengers Facility only to see everybody gathered around and watching a television. Something went wrong with the mission in Lagos which caused people's death.

Wanda was sitting on the couch looking broken. " alright?" I asked sitting in front of her.

"I'm was my.. mis..mistake" she cried. " It's not. It's not your mistake." I consoled her.

"They are not gonna take this easily" Tony said. "I'll try talking to the Council" I said standing up.

"You think they'll listen? " Sam asked. "I have to try" I said. "Ms. Booth, you are asked to meet up with the Secretary Mr. Ross immediately now" FRIDAY said.

"Meeting with Ross is nothing but trouble" Rodney said. "That guy  is gonna roast you. You need to give answers" Nat said.

"Yeah..I figured that out. Thank you Nat" I said. "What are you gonna do?" Tony asked in a very angry tone. Something was up with him.

"I don't know. I have to..." Tony cut me off. "What do you mean you don't know?" He shouted.

"Tony..." I tried but he cut me off again. "YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING!" He shouted at the top of his voice. That startled me and I took two steps back scared. Everyone looked shocked.

"Tony!" Steve shouted walking up to him when I stopped him. "Steve. .." I said placing a hand on his chest. He's just not his mind right now.

"What was that man? Why are you...." Sam shouted when I cut him off too. "Sam..stop" I said.

"I'll call you once I meet with him. Until then nothing is gonna happen here" I said walking out. I could sense all their eyes on me. Steve followed me out.

Once we were out I turned towards him. "What was that? Why is he shouting at you?" He asked. "I seriously don't know. Something has been wrong since the moment we enterd our car to return" I said.

"God, I don't know what I am gonna answer to Ross" I said placing my hand on my head.

"Relax. We'll get through this" he said holding my hands. "How?" I asked him. "As always, together" he said. He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Call me if you want anything" he said. I nodded. I moved away and got inside the car. Now I have to meet the Devil.

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