#15. To Find Somebody

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Here you go :) Sorry it's a bit late!

Enjoy sad moments below ->

Chapter #15 : To Find Somebody

~All I want is nothing more
To hear you knocking at my door
'Cause if I could see your face once more
I could die a happy man I'm sure
When you said your last goodbye
I died a little bit inside
I lay in tears in bed all night
Alone without you by my side
But If you loved me
Why'd you leave me?
All I want is,
And all I need is
To find somebody.
I'll find somebody like you.
So you brought out the best of me,
A part of me I'd never seen.
You took my soul and wiped it clean.
All I want is,
All I need is
To find somebody.
I'll find somebody like you.~


"N-Nico...?" I asked him hesitantly, my mind a bit slow because he was actually touching me. That's new.

I shuffled a couple more steps into his cabin as his arms stayed wrapped around my waist, his nose in my chest. I couldn't see his face so I had absolutely no clue what was happening. What's wrong with him? Just as I was about to pull him away and interrogate him, I heard a small sniffle. My eyes widened in realisation just as his arms slackened. I gasped, but instead of letting him pull away, I quickly enveloped him in my arms and held him to my chest. Not a second later, Nico let out an inhuman sob and fell into me.

"Nico! Oh my gods, you're... You're crying! What happened to you...?" I breathed softly, still in shock.

He trembled in my arms as a reply. He felt so cold and small in my tan arms that it just triggered something within me. I snuggled into him, my chin in the crook of his neck and my arms cradling his shoulders, giving him a proper Jackson hug in attempt to calm him. He needs all the comfort and warmth he can get, and I'm taking this vulnerable moment to my advantage to hug him. I began rubbing my hand in soothing circles on his back as he cried harder and harder. I could feel his tears on my neck and his warm breath on my collarbone. It was literally breaking my heart! I've never seen Nico like this at all. It's terrifying.

"Shh, it's alright." I cooed in his ear. "You're okay, you're here. I'm here. It's alright, Neeks. I'm here for you."

He chocked on his sob and I tightened my grip around him. He wasn't going to stop any time soon, I realised. I trailed my eyes around his dark room, and stopped on his silky black bed in the far right corner of the cabin. Great, how am I going to get us all the way over there without upsetting Nico? An idea popped into my head. I slowly pulled away from Nico, earning a small sad whimper (mother of Poseidon, this boy is killing me), and I grabbed his arms, putting them around my neck. I could feel him tense up in confusion, but I ignored it as I slipped one arm under his knees, and one arm around his middle, lifting him up bridal style.

He didn't even push me away, which was at the same time relieving and worrying. He was so light and fragile... It reminded me of when I had to carry his vulnerable battered body to the Argo II back on Aphrodite's island. It's so rare to see him vulnerable. I carefully settled myself down on his sheets, my back up against his headboard, and pulled Nico onto my lap. He fit there perfectly with my arms wrapped around him, and that only made me hug him to my chest tighter. I still can't help but wonder what's gotten him so shaken up... So sad. His body's practically raking with sobs. I can't handle him being sad. I just want to put a smile on his face. All I want is for him to be happy. But right now, all I can do is comfort him.

"Shhh... It's going to be okay, Neeks." I whispered in his ear softly, feeling him shiver from what must be the cold, leading me to rub his back up and down soothingly. "There's no need to worry anymore, you're safe and sound. You know... I wish I could see you smile right now. I haven't seen you smile in forever... I kind of forgot what it looks like. Maybe one day I'd turn that frown upside. But right now I've got to know what's bothering you. So I can help, y'know? I won't be able to help unless you tell me what's wrong..."

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