#32. Part 3: No Time

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This plot really excites me for the next chapters!!! WEEEEEW

Enjoy ;)

Chapter #32; Part 3 : No Time

~Send your dreams
Where nobody hides
Give your tears
To the tide
No time
No time
There's no end
There is no goodbye
With the night
No time
No time~


"A super hairy cavewoman would totally count as an animal. I have no idea what you're rambling on about, Frankie."

"Leo, a hairy cavewoman-"

"A super hairy cavewoman," interrupted the curly haired Latino. "You may now continue, Zhang." He gestured with his hand to go on.

Frank glared from his spot on an armchair in the corner of Percy's cabin. "I will not turn into a super hairy cavewoman, if that's what you're getting at."

"Would've been great entertainment though, gotta admit." Leo shrugged nonchalantly and swung his legs up over his beanbag chair and into Calypso's lap. She raised an eyebrow at him sassily and immediately smacked his legs away from her like a martialartist.

Leo scratched the back of his neck with a sheepish grin as Calypso straightened out her silky nightgown. Percy snickered at the two beside me and I cocked my head to the side so I could watch him. Not in a creepy way, he just had an extremely attractive laugh. The corner of my lip twitched upwards and I played with the sleeves of my black jumper. The bed shifted slightly as Percy repositioned himself closer to the head board as he continued to laugh. My insides fluttered and my shoulders slumped in fondness. Not fondness, I meant... He was just extremely cute, alright?

"Did you just snort, Jackson?" Jason accused, trying to hide his smile but failing.

Percy's eyes widened and cheeks flushed. "What? No! I don't snort!"

Piper giggled beside Jason on the floor, curling up into his side. "You do to."

"Do not!" Percy crossed his arms beside me and frowned in offence. I internally cooed at the now nineteen year old man. Even if he was indeed a man, he was fucking adorable.

"Do to!" Leo chimed in.

"Do not!"

"Do to, Aquaman!"

Percy groaned and covered his face. "No, I don't. Stop it. Just stop. It's my birthday. Don't bother me. Go away. Leave. Goodbye, world."

I pulled my two new spider bites that were in the right corner of my bottom lip into my mouth as my eyes crinkled. Percy's head suddenly fell into my side and he groaned in embarrassment. I didn't know why he was so embarrassed. It was just a snort. An adorable little snort. I giggled and placed my arm around his body, pulling him closer to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see everyone else gawking at us (or more specifically me), but I didn't care. I just rolled my eyes and let the son of Poseidon curl up to me even though he was a good head or so taller and bigger than me.

"In a few hours it won't be your birthday anymore, so watch out, Jackson." Jason smirked.

Percy mumbled, his words muffled against my jumper, "Whatever, Sparky."

"We should probably get going soon or we'll all be walking zombies tomorrow." Piper stated a few minutes later and the others nodded in agreement. She then turned to me and smiled, "Hey Nico, could you pass me my pullover, please? It's right beside you."

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