#35. Falling For Me

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LONGGGGGGGG chapter, so it makes up for my absence ;P

Love you and enjoy!!!!

Chapter #35 : Falling For Me

~When the world gets too heavy
Put it on my back
I'll be your levy
You are taking me apart
Like bad glue
On a get well card
It was always you
Falling for me
Now there's always time
Calling for me
I'm the light blinking at the end of the road
Blink back to let me know
I'm a fly that's trapped
In a web
But I'm thinking that
My spider's dead
Lonely, lonely little life
I could kid myself
In thinking that I'm fine
That I'm skin and bone
Just a king and a rusty throne
Oh, the castle's under siege
But the sign outside says, "Leave me alone."
It was always you
Falling for me
Now there's always time
Calling for me
I'm the light blinking at the end of the road
Blink back to let me know
Blink back to let me know~



"I like the one with the big living space."

"What about the one with the bigger kitchen?"

"No, it has awful room sizes."

"The one across from the convenience store was nice."

"But I really like the one with the big living area."

"Are you sure? There's only two bedrooms."

"But the other ones are ugly."

"Oh, wow, okay..."

"Percyyy," whined Nico as he tugged at my arm with a tired pout and pleading eyes like a child asking its mother for a sweet at a candy shop, "I like the third apartment we visited."

"Hm, really?" I teased. "I don't know, Neeks... Maybe the living space is too big."

I knew Nico loved that apartment the best, even if it was only the third one we had visited, his eyes lit up as soon as we stepped into the threshold. I just felt like teasing him further because he was so dam cute when he was tired and pouty. I kept to myself that I also loved the apartment of his choice because what was a man without his pride? Probably smart, but, y'know, who said I was?

Nico pushed my arm with a tired scowl and trudged ahead of me back towards camp. I watched him stumble along in his oversized black t-shirt and scuffed up sneakers with a fond little smile. He was perfect on so many levels, and one day, I hoped to be able to tell him so. I sighed to myself and caught up with shorter boy and casually snaked my arm around his waist. I felt him lean into my side, only slightly, and gasped quietly. He didn't lean into my touch. He couldn't have. It was just my mind playing tricks on me. It was something I so dearly wanted, so my mind let me believe that Nico appreciated my touch. I shook it off yet the warm feeling in my guy stayed.


"Whoa, dude, you're moving in together?!" Leo exclaimed with googly eyes and his mouth agape. "Okay, I knew you and Nico were getting close, but living together? Man, way to get it on!"

My cheeks flushed while I rolled my eyes. Leo grinned, leaning over and catching Nico in a headlock. The Italian sputtered in protest once he got over the shock and struggled to push the snickering Latino off of him. I smiled at the two, just like the others who were almost paying no mind to them, but staring at me. In the background I noticed Frank turned into a meerkat and Jason's hair was sparking (so was his creepy grin). Nico huffed and grumbled, cursing Leo out in Italian and scooting away with a glare that could kill the devil himself.

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