#3. All The Same

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I'm gonna start dedicating to the first person who comments on a chapter, so dedication to the lovely @JasmineNelson567  for commentinggg. You're incredible, love!

And here is your late chapter!!!... Heheh, please don't murder me... 😁 I promise I've been a good boi! But, technically, it IS soon, so...

*whooshing sound as curtains pull away*

Chapter #3: All The Same


~Oh you got a fire and it's burning in the rain
Thought that it went out, but it's burning just the same
And you don't look back, not for anything
'Cause if you love someone, you love them all the same
You gotta love somebody, love them all the same
I'm trying to put it all back together.
I've got a story and I'm trying to tell it right.
I got the kerosene and a desire.
I'm trying to start a flame in the heart of the night
If you can love somebody, love them all the same
I know the memories are rushing into mind
I wanna kiss your scars tonight, baby
'Cause you gotta try
You gotta let me in
Let me in~

I woke up coughing. My lungs felt like they were on fire... I tried to gasp in some air and remember what happened. All I remembered was a dozen dark figures rushing towards me, a woman's soft icy laughter, pain rushing through my body, and then feeling lightheaded. I must have passed out from the pain, I decided. I took another deep breath and discovered my hair felt damp and was sticking to my forehead. I frowned and lifted my hand. My muscles screamed in protest, but I continued anyways. I felt my head, winced, and brought my hand back in front of my face. I peeled my eyes open and stared at my hand. My scarlet stained hand. I grimaced and groaned in pain when I tried sitting up. Schist...

Once up, my head was swirling, creating a hurricane of dizziness and pain. I brought my legs up to my chest and stuffed my face in between my knees, massaging my temples with my fingers. I was still in a cave. Captured; held prisoner. By a goddess. A goddess who plans on torturing me for abusing her 'gift' of love. This was ridiculous! Hasn't my heart had enough? When I thought this, a sharp pain passed through me. My chest felt empty, hollow, filled with darkness and shadows and pain. There was nothing left in there anymore and it was getting harder to breathe. I could practically hear my small strangled gasps echoing in my chest, confirming that indeed, my heart was broken. I felt completely and utterly empty...

My belly grumbled.

And it turned out that so did my stomach. I sighed and looked up, searching for something-- anything. I was not looking for anything in particular, just something to bring me the least bit of assurance. I had gone without food before, so that was alright. I could go a few days or so without eating anything at all. But my thirst would grow... And right now, my mouth felt as dry as a desert, and my throat was like sandpaper. Every single part of me ached, but no bones were broken, it seemed. I was still bleeding, and that was another problem. My mind was cloudy, too. Thoughts were swimming around in my mind, aimlessly, making it hard to think straight. It was probably the cause of Aphrodite and her creepy mind-twisting powers...

Wait a minute.

Powers... Hey, I have those! A small bit of hope rushed through me. I could just shadow travel my way straight out of here in the blink of an eye! With much difficulty, protests, and cries of pain, I stood. Breathing heavily, I tried to muster as much energy as I could. It didn't work. I groaned and slumped, not even considering trying once more. It was useless, I couldn't shadow travel. I didn't have enough energy in me and I was in no condition to venture into the shadows. Maybe I could try summoning some of the dead-

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