#6. Part 1: Look After You

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Dedication to my lovely friend @Demiwitchhunter!!! Thanks, beautiful :)


*whole marching band*

Chapter #6, Part 1: Look After You


~If I don't say this now I will surely break
As I'm leaving the one I want to take
Forget the urgency but hurry up and wait
My heart has started to separate
I'll look after you
There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you, won't you be the one I'll always know?
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down
I'll look after you
And I'll look after you
If ever there was a doubt
My love he leans into me
This most assuredly counts
He says most assuredly
I'll look after you
It's always have and never hold
You've begun to feel like home
What's mine is yours to leave or take
What's mine is yours to make your own~

After about ten minutes of watching Nico's limp figure snoring lightly, in a deep sleep- I've decided I've had enough. I sighed and made my way to his bedside. I touched his shoulder gently, hoping not to hurt him, and shook him a bit. He didn't wake. I tried shaking him a bit more, but he didn't budge. He just groaned in his sleep and curled up in a ball. I chuckled. Even though he's just a couple years younger than me (me being eighteen as of last week, and him being fifteen, probably almost sixteen), he looked like a child as he slept. Peaceful, youthful, innocent, and his hair fanned out across the pillow and his face. He actually looked... Untroubled. For once. But I have to go and ruin that, of course.

"Nico, wake up..." I whispered.


"Nicooo, please wake up." I tried again. "I need to bandage you up before you bleed all over my bed."

A twitch, but no other indication of actually waking up. I groaned and sat down on his bed (well, technically it's my bed, but hey). I didn't want to hurt him anymore so I wasn't gonna shake him again. Gods, I wish I could let him sleep, but... Nope, he's still hurt. Poor guy. And bleeding all over my sheets... Another thing for me to clean after the vomit. Poor me.

I sucked in a deep breath and brushed the hair out of his eyes. He's been through too much... And his thoughts? Horrible. I was surprised at what was going through his head back on the island. It honestly surprised me. I've always wanted to now what was going on inside his head, but now that I do, I feel terrible for the son of Hades. He doubts himself every second he's awake and it's just agonising to watch (or listen, in my case) Nico beat himself up. No one understood him, so he's hurt and lonely. But now that someone does... He won't be alone anymore. I'll be there for him when no one else is.

"Nico, wake up!" I randomly shouted, wanting to stop going through so many details in my thoughts.

He shot up out of the bed and I pulled away quickly, not wanting our foreheads to collide. His eyes were wide, but when he was finally sitting straight up, he flinched, groaned, and sank back into the mattress. See, it WAS a good thing I woke him up! He needs his medicine! But I still feel a wee bit guilty... Eh, he'll get over it eventually.

"Sorry, Death Breath." I smiled sheepishly. "But I couldn't let you sleep any longer without bandaging you up and making sure you ate some ambrosia."

Nico's head turned to the side and it seemed as if he was surprised I was there, sitting next to him on the bed. I smiled at him, hoping to fill in the silence and make him feel more comfortable with my presence. Then I saw something surprising that I haven't ever seen with Nico before: his eyes sparkled in amusement.

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