#32. Part 1: In My Veins

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I'm excited for these next chapters! HAHAHAH! It's gonna be a three part chapter, and stuff is gonna go down.
Enjoy while you can.

Chapter #32; Part 1 : In My Veins

~Nothing goes as planned
Everything will break
People say goodbye
In their own special way
All that you rely on
And all that you can fake
Will leave you in the morning
But find you in the day
Oh, you're in my veins
And I cannot get you out
Oh, you're all I taste
At night inside of my mouth
Oh, you run away
'Cause I am not what you found
Oh, you're in my veins
And I cannot get you out
Everything will change
Nothing stays the same
Nobody here's perfect
Oh, but everyone's to blame
All that you rely on
And all that you can save
Will leave you in the morning
And find you in the day
Everything is dark
It's more than you can take
But you catch a glimpse of sun light
Shining, shining down on your face
Your face
Oh, you're in my veins
And I cannot get you out
Oh no, I cannot get you~


August eighteenth. It was August eighteenth and everyone in Camp Half-Blood (and most likely even Camp Jupiter) knew it. At six in the morning I got out of bed, showered, dressed up, fixed my hair, adjusted my glasses, and stepped outside my cabin to knock at Percy's door and wish him a happy birthday, maybe give him a hug or something, and then ask him what he would want to do for his birthday (I would pay for whatever he wanted, of course). In the end, I didn't get to do that. Surprise, surprise.

I hadn't even knocked on the Poseidon's cabin door yet, and I instantly knew Percy wasn't inside. Someone else must have beat me to it, because behind my back I heard a group of excited whispering girls. My shoulders immediately dropped and I narrowed my eyes. I could literally feel all of the excitement draining from my body. I wanted to give Percy a great day, a special day, and others seem to already destroy my plan to do so. Annoying, innit?

I took a deep sigh, spinning on the heels of my black boot clad feet, and internally groaned. Just as I had expected: a group of chatty girls and nodding guys surrounding a green eyed, black haired man. That was actually really hot. Calling Percy a man... Man. I meant, you know, since he was nineteen now, and I was only sixteen... It was a bit of an age gap. It lowered my spirits a little, but I still found it, well, hot. Because of that thought, I really wanted to slap myself in the throat and jump into the rapids of a river.

I swallowed whatever stupid emotions I was feeling, and just focused on Percy. He wore dark blue skinny jeans and a light red V-neck three-quarter sleeve shirt. A small smile pulled at the corners of my mouth. I took small strides towards the group and heard them chattering about the son of Poseidon's birthday and how they were surprised he was still alive at nineteen, that Percy was beginning to be an old man, and that he could do some illegal things that really nobody should ever do. I pushed through them without a problem and stood behind Percy. I found myself admiring him as he nodded along with the others, replying enthusiastically, laughing... It felt good to see him happy.

A shot of courage shot through me and I gently wrapped my arms around Percy's middle from behind, stepped up on tiptoes, and whispered so no one else heard, "Happy Birthday, Baby Blue."

I felt him jump a bit in surprise, and then he turned around in my arms (just as my face began heating up, which was fantastic). Everyone else seemed too distracted gossiping to notice Percy and I's closeness which made me even happier. Percy's eyes lit up immediately, causing my stomach to flutter. He grinned ear to ear as his black bangs fell into his face. I smirked and pushed his hair back for him. That only caused him to bounce on his feet and throw his arms around me like an excited eight year old at a toy store, practically lifting me off of the ground, and hugged me tight. I was prepared enough to hug him back just as enthusiastically, my arms around Percy's neck and his arms around my waist. It had me blushing like a freaking schoolgirl, but I could care less. His touch burned my skin and his warmth melted me into him. He just made me want to stay there, in his arms, forever. I hoped he felt the same desire, whether romantically or not.

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