#23. Save A Little Warmth

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Chapter #23 : Save A Little Warmth

~Got a little soul

The world is a cold, cold place to be

Want a little warmth

But who's gonna save a little warmth for me?

We know the fire awaits unbelievers

All of the sinners the same

Boy, you and I will die unbelievers

Bound to the tracks of the train

If I'm born again I know that the world will disagree

Want a little grace but who's gonna say a little grace for me?

I'm not excited, but should I be?

Is this the fate that half of the world has planned for me?

I know I love you

And you love the sea

But what holy water contains a little drop, little drop for me?

See the sun go down

It's going on down, and the night is deep

Want a little light

But who's gonna save a little light for me?

I know I love you

And you love the sea~


The other cabin representatives and I followed behind the daughter of Athena towards the Big House cautiously. I knew something was wrong. I mean, why else would Chiron call us all down to the Big House for a meeting? Whatever the centaur was going to talk to us about, I won't like it, that's for sure.

We entered the baby blue barn-like building and took a seat in the meeting room. Of course, me wanting no part in this, I stood leaning against the wall in the right corner of the room with my arms crossed. I still had a perfect view of everyone gathered in the room. Percy sat just a few feet away from me, his side to me, so I could easily see the small frown and curious expression on his face. His nose was all scrunched up and his eyes were flickering around the room. All in all, he was adorable and all I could do was stealthily admire him from afar.

"Demigods," Chrion's authoritative voice boomed as he trotted to the middle of the room, his hands clasped tightly together. "I have taken to accordance that most of you, if not all of you, know about the disastrous hydra invasion in Australia. Which means most of you know that three demigods were sent to control this situation just a couple moons back. It was a tough task to ask of these demigods, I knew that at the time. Yet what I did not know was that it would spin out of control and be far worse than I thought."

The old centaur sighed, taking his small wiry glasses off and folding them, rubbing his eyes. "I'm sorry to say that, unfortunately, it was too much for the three beloved demigods. They will not be returning to Camp Half-Blood. Jenny, from the Hermes cabin, Rick, from the Ares cabin, and Gwyneth, from the Athena cabin, have been said to have died in battle."

Sad whispers and murmurs were heard around the room. I could hear a few sobs from the dead's siblings and close friends. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself. Yes, I do have a heart. I could almost feel the three deceased demigods in the room with us, but I wasn't about to point that out. Although one thing bothered me: The way they died. I can feel it if I concentrate hard enough on their names. I frowned. Something was definitely wrong.

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