#20. Part 1: I Can't Stand It

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Enjoy :)

Chapter #20; Part 1: I Can't Stand It

~I've been searching for
A boy that's just like you
Cause I know
That your heart is true
Baby, I love you
I never want to let you go
The more I think about,
The more I want to let you know...
That everything you do,
Is super duper cute
And I can't stand it
Let's sell all our shit,
And run away
To sail the ocean blue
Then you'll know,
That my heart is true
You, you got me where you want me
Cause I'll do anything to please you
Just to make it through...
Another year
You, I saw you across the room
And I knew that this is gonna
Blossom into something beautiful.
You're beautiful.
No I can't stand it~


"Hey, man, y'alright there?"

I turned and narrowed my eyes at Jason as he wore an amused expression. I huffed in annoyance and turned away from him. We were currently sitting at the campfire that Camp Jupiter has lit for Camp Half-Blood campers. They liked to keep most of our traditions to make us feel 'more at home' or something like that. The fire blazed a light blue colour. It didn't take a genius to figure out everyone was freezing their butt cheeks off. I could feel my lips turning the same shade as the fire. I stuffed my hands deep into my jacket pockets.

Jason has been teasing me relentlessly ever since we sat down in front of the fire. Why, you may ask? Because I couldn't see the damned flames, okay? I admit it! I have terrible eyesight. I could see a smudge of blue, but I couldn't see the detailed licks of the flames the fire emitted. So because of this, Jason has been poking at me for squinting as I stared down at the people singing and/or performing below. I was about ready to chew his fingers off. Or better yet, tape his mouth shut and feed him to the hellhounds. Has he always been this incredibly annoying? I thought he was supposed to be the responsible one, the 'leader'. Yeah. Right.

"You know, I bet your awful eyesight is because you've been in the darkness underground so much, that your eyes just grew accustomed to it and were damaged in the process." He stated seriously. "You're like a mole."

I stared at him as if he'd gone mad. "You're blaming it on the dark, Grace? That makes no sense!"

"Actually, it does. Looking in the dark can damage someone's eyes, it's scientifically proven. It's bad for your eyes, straining them to look in the dark when they're not meant to see in the dark and all. So, you know, it's only natural that I assume it's because of you being underground, in the dark, that your eyes are messed up." Jason said casually with his lips pursed.

I scoffed. "Maybe you should be hanging out with the Athena kids, smart ass."

He held his hands up as if in surrender. "I still think you should get your eyes checked, man."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and glared at the blurry fire ahead.

He can't tell me what to do. I'm my own man! I don't need any help. I'm perfectly capable of myself. I don't need 'Daddy Jason' on my back all the time. Geesh, maybe I just won't get my eyes checked by an optometrist to rebel against him. Yeah. I'll do that.


So I got my eyes checked.

Turns out my vision was worse than I thought. Why I wasn't tripping over my feet more than I was earlier was a mystery to me. I was practically blind. Or, I felt like it, anyways. The checkup was yesterday and they immediately sent me back with my own pair of hell with lenses. It was probably the worst pair of glasses they could have offered me, yet here I am, stuck with them. I mean, I didn't really want neon purple, oval, granny glasses. Nope, never. So these black, squarish, nerdy as heck glasses were mine now. The joy! But, you know, at least I could see now, right?

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