Chapter IV

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【Chapter IV】

He opened the glass door and the bell above it rang, his eyes immediately landed on two individuals and quickly recognized them. There he saw Chris with Claire.

“Leon!” Claire yelled as she stood up, waving her hands.

Leon stood still, wasn’t sure what he saw was real. Is that really Claire Redfield, his first partner? Shaking his head, he smiled as a reply and started his way to them.

Claire stood up as he was approaching them, “It’s been a long time, Leon.” Claire said as Leon kissed her in the cheeks.

“Indeed it is.” He smiled and both of them sat down. “I’m glad seeing you again.”

What he said was true, he’s happy to see Claire again, her being his first partner since the Raccoon City. He’s glad that he was able to reunite again with her.

“I’ve never thought I’d see you! Chris has mentioned you to me earlier so I’ve decided to help you with your mission.” She said with a wink and quoted the word decided. “Do you want to order anything?” She asked as she sipped her coffee.

“No, I’m good.” Leon smiled and looked at the woman beside Chris who just sat there, motionless.

Chris noticed the sudden stare Leon did and immediately his jealousy rises in. “Don’t ever think about it, Leon.” Chris joked yet you could tell in his voice it was literally a warning.

Leon looked at him in the eye and let out a snigger. “I wasn’t thinking anything.”

Chris took his hands from his lap and rested it above the woman’s shoulders. “Perhaps you should meet my Valentine. Her name is Jill.”

When Chris has said it, Jill looked up to Leon and apologetically smiled. “I’m sorry I was busy in my own world. I’m Jill Valentine, Chris’ partner since the beginning.” She introduced herself as she extended her hands to his.

Leon gracefully shook her hand, “I’m Kennedy. Leon Kennedy.” He said with a smile then leaned his back on the chair. “It is nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard the incident of you saving Chris’ ass.” He added while Chris gave him a glare which he replied with a chuckle.

Jill also had a giggle. “Likewise, I've heard so much about you Agent, from a rookie police officer to the U.S. best government agent by saving multiple women.” She said, took a pause to sip in her frappe. “You love pretending being a knight in shining armor saving a damsel in distress. Do you?” She bantered and all of them chuckled.

His chuckle died down and suddenly spoke. “Don’t get me wrong but saving a damsel in distress is a good thing. It almost feels like I’ve earned a big part in her life that she’d never forget, and yet having a strong independent woman would be the best thing.” He replied and looked at Chris. “She’s part of the B.S.A.A., isn’t she?”

“She’s one of the founders; she’s a Special Operations Agent of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance.” Chris explained as Jill crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“To put it shortly, she’s a female version of the B.S.A.A.’s golden boy.” Leon complimented, his lips formed into a grin.

“I guess you could say that.” Claire butted in and chuckled.

All of them had a good laugh. This is actually good for Leon’s state. He’s being alone and lonely at the same time and catching up with friends and meeting a new friend is quite exquisite. At least, he feels like a normal man who deserves to be happy. For the first time he feels like he is a simple man, he feels alive and human despite all of the traumatic events happened.

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