Chapter XXIV

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Leon didn't get the chance to ask Adam again regarding about Leona and Adam's father. He thought that maybe it's not yet the time to know something regarding to that matter.

Leona's timing is just so... perfect. The sarcasm though.

"What a loving family." The principal greeted the Kennedys while looking at them sweetly when they have entered the school.

Ada's cheeks turned red into the principal's statement. "You've got the wrong idea—" Ada was cut off when Leon spoke.

"I'm Leon, it's nice to meet you." He said as he extended out his hand to shake her hands.

The principal gladly took his hand and shook it. "You're a handsome, fine gentleman, are you the father of Miss Ada's kids?" The principal asked curiously and looked at the twins lovingly. "You can't deny the fact Adam looks like you, Leon." She said as he ruffled Adam's hair.

Ada didn't utter a word; she wouldn't try to deny it anymore and let Leon savor the moment. It would be so selfish of her if she would embarrass Leon to the principal by saying he's not the father, and certainly the principal won't buy it considering Adam looks like little Leon.

Leon just smiled at the principal, enjoying the moment that she thought he's the father. It felt so good.

"Hey twins, how are you?" The principal asked the twins, she put her hands on her lap as she lowered her gaze to meet theirs.

"We're happy and excited because our Daddy would be celebrating family day with us!" Adam enthusiastically bantered and the principal was astonished.

"Oh yes, of course, how could I forget that Miss Ada did mention your daddy's always away for work." She then looked at Adam sincerely. "Adam, I haven't heard you talk like that before." She said and smiled at him sweetly. "You sounded so happy."

"Who wouldn't be happy?" The sassy Leona said. "Daddy's here with us." She said as a matter of fact, and held Leon's hand. "And now the kids could keep their mouths shut because I already have a daddy."

The principal kept her smile but raised both of her eyebrows because she was astonished at Leona's reply even though she kind of expected it.

Leon doesn't know what to do, and he also has the same articulation.

On the other hand, Ada was slightly embarrassed at her daughter's behavior. She had mentally face palmed, and took a deep breath. The principal might think that that is what Ada has been teaching Leona; to be a girl who has bitchy attitude.

To avoid letting the principal think what Ada has inside her mind, Ada cleared her throat, and lifted her sunglasses up to rest it above her head and looked Leona in the eye. "Leona, baby, I think you could have said that more nicely. If the kids have said something that might have offended you, you should have talked to the principal about it furtively." She said as she widens her eyes to Leona as if shooting daggers to her, with a slight threat to her voice. She turned her head to the principal, "I am sorry, Mrs. for my daughter's behavior," Ada apologetically said and pursed her lips. "You always knew Adam and Leona don't have anything in common except that they're my children."

The principal stood up straight with a nervous smile on her face, she clasped her hands, and looked up at Ada because Ada is taller than her. "I also apologize because I wasn't aware that Leona's being bullied by not having a father who would show up for family day." She regretfully said. "I must agree that such behavior is—" She was cut off when Leon spoke.

"I apologize for interrupting yet I didn't like the sound of Leona being bullied." Leon knelt down to Leona, took her hand and looked into her eyes. "In case this happens again, please do not hesitate to tell me right away. You know I'm here for you, right?"

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