Chapter XIII

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【Chapter XIII】

A vixen woman arrived in front of her building’s apartment, she fixed herself at the sideview mirror of her red ducati bike. She has a luxury apartment and staying here whenever she’s on a mission, because she doesn’t want the organization she works for to know where her real home is. Of course — they would use her family as a threat if ever she would resign — which would happen anytime soon.

“Don’t you think it’s pretty dangerous for a creature like you of not wearing a helmet?” A man said not that far behind her. “It would be a shame if that pretty face of yours would go to waste.”

Men. She looked at the man from her sideview mirror, the man is leaning on the door of his Ferrari. He looks like he’s in mid 30’s without — obviously a wife. He wouldn’t pick up with Ada if he has one, would he? He’s wearing a black v-neck shirt, a black jeans, a Louis Vuitton shoes, and an expensive watch. A casual look for a wealthy man.

She rolled her eyes as she straightened her back, emphasizing her ass for him to be turned on. Of course, she’s good at seduction — that is a part of her job. Obviously she’s a Femme Fatale.

“Frankly, I love to be in a situation to choose whether to live or to die.” Although the statement she stated is kind of confusing, by the way she said it – it looks like for her it’s normal, plus don’t forget her sultry voice.

The man obviously looked turned on, he definitely would be, that is Leon’s love interest for two decades and he never grew tired of hoping they would settle down one day, he’s talking to —  none other than Ada Wong. She seductively swung her legs off the motorbike from the other side as she tilted her head to look at him with a smirk plastered on her face. The man looked at her; as if he’s undressing her inside his mind. Stare on what you can’t have.

“What do you say we go up to my apartment as we spend the rest of the night — together?” The man seductively said as he’s approaching her. I’m not gonna lie, he looks kind of elegant, classy and handsome for a thirty year old. Still Leon for me.

She turned around to face the man with a captivating grin, hands on her motorbike while the other is on her hips. As he made it in front of her, he can’t help himself but to stare in awe and a smile wasn’t wore off. It looks like he’s in love in first sight and being with her in the same room would be quite a great pleasure.

“I would love to but I don’t want to fall behind schedule.” She winked then started her way to the building’s entrance. Of course as she expected — all of the men are staring at her from head to foot. She walked with grace and beauty as if she’s having a catwalk. She reached the elevator and was about to push the up button yet she was interrupted when someone did it for her, she looked up and saw the man from earlier. This man doesn’t know when to quit, does he? She smiled at her own thought.

“Compulsive, I see.” She said with a slight threat in her voice, yet of course he wouldn’t notice it for he’s busy loving the sultry voice she has.

“Let’s put it this way — I am the type of person who doesn’t easily give up when I like someone.” He said while staring at her.

Ada tried her best not to roll her eyes, she remained the calm and composed demeanor. “It sounds like for me — that is a definition of obsession.”

“Woman, you somehow captivated me. I must say — you’re an intruguing vixen lady.”

Ada tried her best not to make a disgusted look, but a straight emotionless face waiting for the elevator to open and just in time it opened with a bunch of people coming out. She took the chance to abscond from him as she furtively made her way inside the lift, he’s busy constantly saying sorry to the people who got out from the lift for he has either accidentally stepping on to their feet or push them because he too — is rushing to get inside with her, or should I say, in her. She already knew his intention from the start but it’s kind of obvious he wants her and the so – called love at first sight. When there’s no one left, he took a sigh and then saw Ada who’s inside the lift and already pushed the floor’s button number. He was surprised on how quick she was to get inside the lift, little does he knows that’s where she’s good at.

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