Chapter VIII

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【Chapter VIII】

“Are you ready?” Said Claire.

Leon, Chris, Jill and Claire are already making their way to the destination. As they saw at Jill’s laptop, Ada is already heading to the destination of the virus and Leon kept on wondering how the HQ knew it was really Ada. She’s a spy, she’s good at hiding. It still bugs him to think the HQ knows where she is wherein he has been finding her for years yet there’s no sign of her, not even a clue.

Leon looked at Claire and smiled. “I should be.” He then bowed his head.

Claire smiled back; she knows how hard it is for Leon to know that his love interest for two decades is after for a powerful virus, and of course to pay no attention to his feelings for her. “You can do this Leon.”

He quickly looked at her and released his famous smirk. “Who says I can’t?”

Both of them laughed at Leon’s sudden change of mood. Claire knew that Leon is trying his best to ignore his feelings for Ada and to stand out, and doing for what he thinks is right.

The laughter died down and Leon spoke. “I haven’t gotten the chance to ask how you are doing lately.”

Her face suddenly crumpled and took a sigh, Leon chuckled. “It’s just same old, same old. I’m still working at Terra Save.”

Leon pursed his lips while nodding. “That’s good; at least it’s better than finding Chris.” He stated and laughed.

“Hey I heard that!” Chris reacted at Leon’s statement. The three of them laughed while Jill paid no attention for she’s busy at her computer.

It’s a bit funny to see them this way, exchanging some jokes despite of the mission they have. At least they still know how to act or behave like a normal people.

Leon looked outside the window and saw like it’s a bit desert thingy place. “Are you sure we’re going the right way?” He spoke and looked at Jill.

“It’s where the HQ found the virus and your girlfriend.” Jill replied at Leon’s question. “For me also it’s a bit odd to make a virus at such place. At least they’re good at hiding, don’t you think?”

Chris released a snigger, “You ask me, the first time Dr. Marcus, Birkin, Wesker, Clemens and many other scientists have done it; it’s in the Arklay Laboratory, a top secret laboratory built beneath a mansion façade.” He said as a matter of fact. “A new terrorist organization laboratory is located on a desert; that’s a total upgrade.” He said as if he’s amazed.

Leon pursed his lips. “Clemens, John Clemens?” He asked Chris. “I think I might have heard that name before, I just can’t put my finger on it.”

“I think I do remember,” Jill stated, putting her fingers on her chin. “He’s a scientist at Umbrella Corp.”

“Obviously, that’s what I’ve said.” Chris said as a matter of fact.

“I somehow think he’s the boyfriend of Ada.” Jill said and leaned on her seat, “I remember typing her name as John’s password.” Jill said as her eyebrows furrowed.

Leon couldn’t help himself to roll his eyes. “Whoever he is, he’s already dead. Not much of a problem.”

“I think I’ve detected a little green monster behind me.” Chris stated and looked at Leon on the rearview mirror.

“Really Leon? He’s already dead for two decades!” Claire said and chuckled.

Leon released an irritatingly sigh, “Just focus on the fucking road.” He said to Chris and the three of them inside the Humvee burst out laughing.

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