Chapter XV

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Just seeing him right now makes her want to jump into him, her heart is jumping with joy and excitement that she couldn’t help but to suppress a sweet genuine smile. As she remembered the picture Jill has sent to her last night, she want to see in person that Adam is with Leon. After five straight fucking years, she has seen him again in sunlight, without pointing their guns to one another. She has seen him as in a casual, normal people do.

On the other hand, Leon was astounded when he saw Ada, unexpectedness is evident on his face. What is she doing here? He came for her son, idiot. A voice inner him says, suddenly his face became dark and cold, he became an intimidating man, his eyes pierced through Ada’s body and soul as he scanned her from head to foot. An alluring demeanor. What was this woman thinking? Showing off too much of her skin, seducing every men she’ll encounter? There was a long silence that greeted him, Leon thought that Ada’s smile is just a façade. He told himself not to fall for that sweet smile plastered on her face.

“Ada.” He commenced as he said it coldly. Trying his best not to fall for her tricks again. However, as he tried so hard he knows he’ll give in eventually. Who is he kidding? No, goddamit. You were already deceived by her for two decades, don’t let a simple smile to take over you so easily.

Hmm, he’s not happy to see me. She also, tried her best not to wander her eyes just to stare at his face, his eyes staring at her as if sucking her into a black hole, empty, dark, cold and terrifying. Leon’s a potent aphrodisiac with a mixture of well-defined, brawny body and chiseled facial features. Knowing Ada, she just gave him a sweetest smile she could muster, she kind of felt she’s benefiting from it. She hasn’t gotten to see this face of his for a week now, in view of the fact that he’s always awake in dawn. Approaching him at midnight would be such a bad move, wouldn’t it? The sweet smile she’s wearing is making him weak, she knew it all along.

“After all these years, look who finally showed up.” He said in a monotone.

“Why, am I obliged to visit you every now and then?” She raised both of her eyebrows up whilst smiling. “I see you’ve spend your entire night hanging out with my son, Leon.” There she goes again, that sultry voice of this vixen woman in front of him has.

Leon was about to reply when Adam abruptly showed up.

“Mom!” Adam exclaimed as he ran towards his mother. Leon and Ada abruptly turned their attention to him as Leon gave way to Adam for him to hug his mom. Ada knelt down to welcome his hug. “I have missed you so much, Mom!” Adam said as he’s smiling widely.

Ada’s face suddenly softened, the calm and collected demeanor was quickly replaced by sweet and loving Ada. Who knew that having a children would make her this way? Even she, didn’t expect that she’s capable of taking care of twins all by herself.

Ada tried so hard to held her tears in. “I’ve missed you too, sweetie.” Ada replied while carressing her son’s back. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Ada trembled and her voice broke in the end, she hugged Adam tight. “It was all my fault, Adam.”

Adam released his hug from his mother, he looked at her in the eye and for a four year old kid, he’s certain his mother would be crying in any minute now and he doesn’t want that. He saw that his mother’s eyes are puffy from crying the whole night. He never saw his mom cry and if he does, it would break his heart.

“There’s no such thing as your fault, mom.” Adam replied and smiled at her gently. Could you believe this kid? He’s only four years old yet he talks like a grown up man. Even better. Adam took his mother’s hand and looked up to Leon.

Ada also looked up to Leon, she muttered the words she knew Leon wouldn’t forget because this is the first time she had said this. “Thank you.”

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