Chapter IX

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【Chapter IX】

Leon looked around him and still seeing the same cabins for the past twenty minutes. The same white color and its design, and it looks like he has a lot more searching to do. He saw that there's twenty cabins left unsearched.

He started making his way to another cabin when unexpectedly, there was a big explosion located not that far from him

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He started making his way to another cabin when unexpectedly, there was a big explosion located not that far from him. He stopped walking and saw that the cabin he first searched has exploded. He's beginning to realize that he's not the only one who arrived here, maybe at Chris, Claire and Jill the explosion has already started too. Maybe now they are hurt.

"Claire, are you there?" He quickly asked as he put his hands on his wireless earpiece.

"Leon, thank God you're alive! We heard the explosion and we thought it was on your place that blew up." Claire said on her line, worriedly.

Leon let out a sigh of relief, at least they're safe even though the bombing came from his place. "Technically, yes."

"What?" Jill started to panic. "Leon, are you all right?" Jill asked on her line. How could Leon ask them if they're all right when it was in his place where the bombing started.

"I am. I think the people behind this already know that there are intruders." He commenced while looking all of the cabins he has searched started its self destruct. "This is catastrophe, what about you, guys?"

It was Chris' turn to reply. "We're fine. As of now, we're inside an office like laboratory." Chris replied as he scanned the area he's in.

"Basically it looks like an office lab. You can't tell the difference." Jill said as her hand is on the earpiece, looking around her and saw that there's a bunch of files, chemicals and a bed. That's odd.

"There's nothing much of a difference." Claire said as she started her way to the white swivel chair and sat.

"As what we're seeing right now, there are so many chemicals inside. Unlike on the other cabin laboratories outside, this big laboratory is so bright. This lab has so many lights." Jill commenced explaining while looking around her, still couldn't believe that this place literally looks so peaceful however it's so dangerous. If they aren't part of the B.S.A.A. she'll start thinking this place is somehow safe, that's if she's just an ordinary human looking for a place to stay.

"Yeah, I can almost see how dirty Chris is." Claire bantered and let out a chuckle.

Chris looked at Claire, probably pissed off at his sister. "Shut up, Claire." He said firmly. "Leon, any signs of Ada?"

Leon is still staring at the cabins that is exploding one by one. He's trying to analyze the pattern so he could know when his cabin would exploded. Apparently, there are still thirteen cabins he has searched left. "Unfortunately, I haven't seen her. I'll let you guys know." He truthfully said.

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