Chapter XIV

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【Chapter XIV】

“What do you want for breakfast, little champ?” Leon asked as he commenced looking at his pantries. All he has saw is what they have bought last night. He sighed, way to go Leon. This is the first time you are living with a kid and yet you have forgotten to buy some pancake mix for him.

“I’ll have some milk with oreos and chocolate chip cookies please.” Adam requested and Leon beamed, at least he’s not fastidious, quickly he took the glass from the shelves and pour the milk that was inside the fridge.

“Here, help yourself.” Leon said as he landed in front of Adam all he has requested.

Leon admired Adam while he’s busy eating his breakfast, he took a sip from his coffee when he realized he hasn’t know about Adam that much yet. He decided to start on how Adam has managed to arrive to the facility.

Leon sat by the stool next to Adam. “Tell me Adam, how did you get there?” Leon commenced asking while admiring him eat.

Adam looked at him and shrugged. “I was staying at my house with our Nanny since my mother has things to do.” He said and dipped his oreo inside the glass of milk.

“How did you get there?” Leon asked once again.

Adam figured it out that Leon is asking how did he get inside the cabinet. “I was kidnapped by terrorists.” Adam plainly said and licked the filling of the oreo.

Leon was taken aback from what Adam has said he almost spilled his coffee, how could this kid act so naturally wherein he was kidnapped by terrorists?! Knowing them, they must have been showed Adam their rifles, pistols and shotguns so he would be scared and decide to come with them.

Leon cleared his throat. “How?”

Adam dipped the cookie from his milk and ate it all. Leon patiently waited for his reply. “I was on my way to go home, it was afternoon, I assumed it is safe to go outside and play at the playground.”

“Then? You didn’t bring anyone with you?” Leon suspiciously asked.

“No, they were all busy and all I’ve wanted is to play.” He casually said and drank from his milk, he continued his story. “When I was heading back there are five terrorists encircled me and I was alone, our neighbors weren’t even outside and I know it is planned. Someone shot a sleeping dart on me and when I woke up, I was inside the lab.”

“You weren’t scared?” Leon asked as his brow shot up.

Adam shook his head, “Mom said it is important to remain calm and collected even at most extreme situations.” He stated and took a cookie. “If I panicked and didn’t think things through, I probably got stabbed. So I chose to cooperate.” He plainly said, “To make things easier for me. I don’t want to get hurt.” He added.

Leon checked Adam for some bruises and he surprisingly found nothing, Adam is right and still, it doesn’t change the fact that Leon has detected some suspicious actions, it was as if he could sense something’s wrong with Adam or maybe he’s indeed brilliant kid who knows how to handle such situation. If the terrorists kidnapped another kid and it wasn’t Adam, its story is probably different from Adam’s and how the way they tell it. Adam’s telling this to Leon as if everything he has experienced is completely normal to him.

Leon shrugged, amazed as he saw how cool Adam is. “They didn’t inject you with anything?”

He shook his head, “I think they only kidnapped me to use me as bait.” He calmly replied and getting bored from telling his story to Leon. However, he’s kind of benefiting from it. He has a lot of food in front of him. He thought that telling his story to Leon is a good gesture and a way of saying thank you after all, he realized he helped him.

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