Chapter XVIII

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【Chapter XVIII】

“You must be Leona.” Leon stated as he extended his arms towards her. Although it was quite incongruosly to do such thing for a four year old kid, what more could he do? He couldn’t just hug Leona without Ada’s permission. Additionally, it would cause such havoc for Leona.

Seeing Leona makes his heart momentarily flutter, he’s kind of hoping he would eat with them. He wants to eat with them, imagining as if they were some sort of a happy family. Leona does looks like her mother apart from the shades of her eyes, and the color of her hair, yes she has a catlike eyes. If someone would see Leona, she could be resembled as Little Ada despite of having a blue eyed and a blonde colored hair.

“I’m Leon.” He introduced himself.

Leona’s left eyebrow arched upwards, she put her small hands on her waist as she stood with grace, and beauty. “Do you mind telling me why my name is kind of after your name?”

Leon pursed his lips, taking her by surprise. This kid really got her attitude from her Mother, huh? He chuckled at his thought. He couldn’t imagine Ada taking care of two kids, how did she handle Leona and Adam all by herself?

“You should probably ask your mom about that.” He mockingly bantered as he winked at her.

“Leona, who are you talking to?” Ada’s voice made Leon gulped.

He could already hear the sound of her heels, making its way to them. Every step she makes, makes Leon more anxious. Makes him want to think that he should probably leave these two boxes of pizza to Leona, rush himself to his Mercedez and perhaps he should come back when he’s really ready. The sound of her heels walking to their direction is getting louder and louder, to the point it’s already compelling him.

Just as he was about to do something, Ada has already stood up behind Leona, revealing her cold, and heartless demeanor. Leon wasn’t quite surprised, in fact, that was what he’s expecting. He couldn’t imagine Ada being exuberance seeing his presence in front of her house, knowing for a fact that Leona has already seen him and she knows that her daughter wouldn’t stop asking her about Leon. Just by the thought of that makes her head burning with anger.

“Mom, this is Mr. Leon. He was with Adam and he has already introduced himself to me.” Leona began as she looked at her mother, “He kind of looks like Adam. I could already see what Adam would look like when he grew up.”

Leon released a sly smile to Ada, “Hi.” He greeted and pursed his lips once again.

The moment he saw Ada being this bitch to him, all he has wanted to do is to kneel down and to apologize everything he has done. Of course, he wouldn’t do that. He still has a dignity left inside his body.

“What are you doing here?” Ada asked Leon so coldly to the point Leon kind of wished he never did this.

“I–I was the one wh–who fetch, um, Adam.” He stammered, although Ada find it amusingly cute. Leon Kennedy is stammering. She shrugged it off. Don’t fall for it.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I suppose that was your way of seeing us.” She nonchalantly pointed out.

Leon did not know what to say as if he has forgotten how to speak, he gulped so hard as he’s praying to the gods that if he could have a life saviour — literally, that would save him from embarassment right from this very moment. However, his life saviour and his guardian angel happens to be angered at him.

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