Chapter XXI

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  【Chapter XXI】 

"Dad, I want you to flip over the pancakes up in the air!" Leona exclaimed as she's looking up to her imaginary pancake flipping while making sound effects.

On the other hand, Adam's eyes twinkled in excitement. "Oh, I'd love that! Mom hasn't been doing that for months now and I really miss that part." Adam admitted as he looked at Leon using his puppy eyes.

The twins looked at their father while pouting and making their puppy eyes, pleading to him to gratify them. Leon can't help himself but to smile when the twins do that, for he cannot resist the cuteness of his twins.

It has been a week when Ada and Leon had that little quarrel. Ever since Leon came into their home, the twins are turning into spoiled brats which makes Ada mad. That was the last thing she would want to do, them being spoiled. It pisses Ada off and that was the big reason why she and Leon would get into shallowly fights. Obviously, it would end up Leon being lovey-dovey to her.

Truth be told, Leon still doesn't know he is the father of the twins yet he loves to pretend that he is. Whenever they would go to malls and stuff, people would admire them for being cute and all and of course, Leon being that handsome despite his age.

"Go call your mommy and tell her Dad is already making pancakes, she should be up." Leon said as he extended his arms to check the time on his wristwatch. "It's already 8:47 in the morning. After you do that, I'd flip the pancakes."

When Leon said that, the twins automatically ran upstairs and Leon smiled to himself. Sometimes, he would find himself pinching himself thinking if all of these were just a dream. Ada would find it cute whenever she would caught him doing that.

The twins arrived on their mother's room and they quickly jumped on her bed, forgetting the fact that Ada doesn't like it whenever they do that.

"Mommy, Daddy's already making pancakes." Leona exclaimed happily.

Ada got her comforter and she hid inside like a kid.

Adam's brows furrowed. "Mom, we're sorry for barging in yet get up now please. We want to see Dad flipping the pancakes." Adam said while nudging her.

"And he said he wouldn't flip the pancakes if you wouldn't get up." Leona added.

Ada rolled her eyes and loving the words she's hearing, her kids calling Leon 'dad' even though they don't know the truth yet, except Adam of course. A thousand of butterflies flew inside her stomach.

"Then I wouldn't get up so your dad won't flip the pancakes." Ada finally replied while stifling her laughter.

Adam and Leona exchanged looks and both of them frowned. "MOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!" They said in unison.

"Dad told us to wake you up, we're just following orders here!" Leona exclaimed while making her tantrums.

"We always obey Dad and listen to his orders, you should obey too!" Adam added.

Ada's eyes widen in disapproval, "Why on earth would I obey him? I never did and never will. He always and should follow my rules." She said with a tone of annoyance.

"Tsk tsk." Adam started. "Nanny said that the wife should learn how to be submissive towards his husband." Adam said and climbed off the bed, unlike Leona who's still having her tantrums. "I guess Dad would be unfortunate to marry a disobedient wife." 

Ada quickly got up from her bed and sat down, looking straight to Adam while he is already preparing to leave. "What did you just say?" Ada asked while couldn't believe what she just heard from her son.

"Nothing, Mom. I said that breakfast is already ready because of Dad." Adam said in a mocking voice while emphasizing the word 'Dad'. He looked behind and beckoned Leona. "Come on, Leona." He said and left the room. 

Leona followed him, and when she's ready to go out, she looked to her mother once more. "You know what, Mom. I sometimes wish that Uncle Leon is my dad, that is why I love calling him Dad. You two would make a great couple." She said and ran off.

Ada smiled on what she just heard on Leona, and what Adam has said didn't leave her mind. Did her son actually thought of that? Why on earth Nanny told Adam things he's not yet ready to know. That is kind of adult talk!

Immediately, Ada climbed off her bed and fixed it. She didn't bother to change her outfit even though she's wearing her nighties because it's not that revealing. Ever since the incident between her and Leon, she uses her nighties that is less revealing. She walked to her bathroom and did her morning routine.

When she was done and was about to go down the stairs, she immediately smelled Leon's cooking and wondered why Nanny isn't the one who's cooking for them. She quickly realized that maybe Leon insisted Nanny to cook for their meal again, he did it again.

"What did your Mom say?" Leon began as he was trying to flip the pancake.

Adam shrugged. "Nothing." He said unsurely. "She just doesn't want to get up."

"Did she sleep late?" Leon asked worriedly, "We could give her a breakfast in bed to make things special." He suggested while biting his lip.

"Nah-uh." Leona replied, "Mom has her moods today, she would go crazingly furious if ever we'd do that."

Little do they know that Ada is silently listening to their conversation, and when Leona mentioned that 'she's one of her moods' she instantly stood up by the frame.

"Even so, we would still make her a breakfast in--" Leon immediately cut off his statement when he saw Ada standing on the door frame, "Good morning." He said while smiling to her sweetly as possible.

Ada ignored him and immediately sat down besides Leona, "Where's Nanny?" Ada asked her daughter who just hugged and kissed her.

"Napping. She told us she didn't get enough sleep last night because she's busy watching series on netflix." Leona said as a matter of fact.

"Breakfast is ready!" Leon and Adam said in unison.

× × ×


     I am sorry for not updating this book for four months in view of the fact it had been a busy months for me.

     Now that I am back, I promise that before 2018 ends, I would finish this book and try to update this as often as I could.

     I am deeply, and terribly sorry for the short update. I am having a writer's block and I have forgotten the scene that was meant for this chapter. The thing is, my phone has been broken and all of my updates was saved on the notepad I had in my phone (lucky me, the sarcasm tho) there would be a lot of plot twists so stay tuned!

      As compensation, I would absolutely TRY to update this book later!

     PS: I am sorry for the wrong grammars on this chapter (I didn't re-read it when I was done typing), I am so sleepy and I am so determined to write a chapter for you guys even though it is kind of short. I would make it up to you on the next chapter.

Have a lovely day!

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