Chapter XIX

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【Chapter XIX】

The night came and Leon went home after having lunch with his kids. Yet of course, he had a little fun with them when they were washing the dishes. Ada didn’t bother herself to threw him outside of her house, in fact, she locked up herself inside her room. Repeatedly complaining to herself alone how stupid she has been.

Even though she knows it herself that Leon is spending time with their kids, she didn’t thought he’s such a nuisance to them. She’s a woman of her words, she didn’t break her promise. She knows that he and her — their kids had a great time spending it with each other, she’s beyond happy for that. Frankly, keeping them from Leon wasn’t on her list. She wants them to be happy and if that happiness includes Leon, then so be it.

Ada’s peacefully lay down on her bed, staring at her ceiling when a soft knock caught her attention. Her head perked up at the door’s direction when she heard the knock, as much as she hates to open it or rather let it come in, she doesn’t have a choice. It could be an emergency or so.

“It’s open.” She tenuously said.

The door opened softly and revealed Adam, walking towards her downcast. She sat up straight, presumably bothered why her son is kind of melancholic.

“Hey,” She called out, Adam still isn’t looking to her. “Is something wrong?”

Adam continued walking towards her and when he reached in front of Ada, he quickly gave his mother a hug. Ada is still bewildered at her son’s deportment.

Adam looked up to his mom and released a genuine smile, “Thank you.”

Though she somewhat has an untidy mind, she reluctantly nodded slowly, brows furrowed at discombobulation. “For what?” She perplexity asked.

“For letting our father spend his time for us.” Adam said letting go of the hug.

Ada scoffed. “I technically ruined it when I have behaved that way, don’t you think?”

“You could still compensate.” Adam stated and both of them laughed.

“My apologies, Mr. Wong.” She said as she played along. “How’s Leona?”

“She’s okay, probably felt better the moment she saw Dad who has the same hair color as her.” Adam said with a wide smile on his face.

“Does she already know?” Ada can’t help but ask. Just being ready if ever Leona would bombard her some questions tomorrow morning. At least she could be prepared.

“No, yet she keeps on pestering me.”

Ada let out a hearty laugh. “You know her.”

Still, Adam’s face is still crumpled in bewilderment. Ada knows something is troubling him. “I understand what you both have been through, Mom. Yet there’s something bothers me much.”

“What is it?” She intriguingly asked.

Adam took a deep breath, having a second thought if he should still ask his mother in view of the fact he’s anxious of what would be her demeanor. Well, here goes nothing.

“Why leave?”

Ada is taken aback for a few seconds, not able to think of something decent to say. Of course, she couldn’t let her child know what happened between his father and his mother back then. He’s too young to know these things, he may look tough but he’s not yet qualified.

“You’re too young to know the reason.” Was all her reply.

Adam isn’t persistent unlike Leona who would keep on insisting her mother to answer all of her questions, even though all that Ada could feel is full of wrath throughout her body. That’s how brat Leona is.

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