Chapter XXII

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"Mom, I forgot I have to give you something." Adam said as he entered Ada's room.

Ada is just sitting on her bed reading a novel when Adam showed up unannounced. It is already close to midnight and seeing Adam awake this late kinda surprised her.

"You could have give it to me in the morning, Adam. It's way past your bed time, honey." Ada said worryingly, "You have to get up at 6 in the morning. Can't this one wait until tomorrow?"

Adam sat down on her bed and looked at his mother. "You wouldn't be up when I'll leave and you need to see this before you sleep so that you will not sleep late." Adam said and got Ada a bit confused. He put the letter on her hand and embraced her, "Goodnight, Mom. We would be expecting you and Dad to be there." And when he said that, he immediately ran off.

Ada looked at the letter and read it.

You are invited!

Come and join us celebrating the school's family day.

Tomorrow at 8 in the morning until 12 noon.

See you there!

Ada's eyes widen and mentally face palmed herself, of course, the school's family day. The day Leona hated the most because they always tease her for not having any father to come with them. How could Ada forget this?

And why is Adam so bubbly when he gave this letter to her? Is he expecting that their Uncle Leon aka Dad would come with them as a one big happy family? No, no! That is the last thing Ada would want to do.

But what about their kids? They would get bullied again if their biological father wouldn't show up for their family day, right? This would be their family bonding even though they don't know they are related to each other.

Suddenly, Ada remembered something.

After they were done eating dinner and Ada is busy washing the dishes because she insisted Nanny to go to sleep early and stop watching more Netflix movies, Leon is upstairs reading his kids a bedtime story for them to go to sleep and after that, he would leave.

As she's busy washing the dishes, Leon got down and stood by the door frame.

He admired Ada and never thought this day would come, it has been a long day for the both of them because her twins are so happy to have Leon with them, they had swimming, they ate barbecue at the backyard, they had lots of fun. Leon is indeed happy being with Adam and Leona, he really could feel that they are somewhat related to each other yet he wouldn't assume that much just to avoid getting hurt.

"Ada?" He called out.

Ada glanced at him and she smiled, she hummed as a reply.

"I wouldn't be here tomorrow," He said and scratched the nape of his neck.

Ada stopped moving for a second and took a deep breath, feeling sad for she wouldn't see Leon tomorrow.

"Why? Have you grown tired on the twins?" She replied and kind of wished that Leon didn't sense the bitterness of her voice.

"That would never happen," Leon said dreamily. "The twins started to grow on me, I don't think I could live without seeing them again." He added and sat down on the stool. "I still have to finish my report and I would submit them before the deadline, I don't want to be piled up a lot of work."

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