Chapter XII

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【Chapter XII】

Adam is hugging Claire while looking out through the window. It must have been a trauma to him to see those massive explosion and gun shots. He’s just four years old for pete’s sake.

Claire looked down to Adam while carresing his hair. “Are you okay?” Claire asked him.

He tilted his head upward to look at Claire. “I always am.” He casually replied to her.

Claire’s eyebrows furrowed at the sudden confusion, here she was worrying that all of this could cause him trauma and yet here he is saying this as if these are normal to him.

Instead of saying that to him, she sweetly smiled and carressed his cheeks, looked again outside the window.

“Aunt Claire?” Adam called her.

She immediately hummed as a reply she looked to him. “Yes?”

“Is that Uncle Leon?” He asked as he lightly pointed his finger to him. “He looks tired and devastated.”

Claire looked to Leon the moment Adam pointed him, he indeed looks tired and devastated.

Leon’s looking outside the window as he saw that Ada’s motorbike is no longer there. He released a deep sigh as he closed his eyes.

Claire looked back to Adam who is staring at her emotionless, she smiled at him. “He is just exhausted, Adam.”

Adam released his hug to Claire and then turned his attention to Leon. He nudged Leon using his finger at Leon’s arms.

Leon immediately opened his eyes and it landed on Adam. He let out a small smile, “I believe you must be Adam.” He weakly said.

Adam nodded and he was about to remove the handkerchief covering his face. “I believe you must be Leon.” He said and smiled sweetly at him.

The moment Adam removed his handkerchief, Leon’s mouth fell agape. He really does look exactly like him despite the black hair. He also has the same eye color, Leon couldn’t believe there’s a little Leon.

While Jill and Claire are also startled because this is the first time they have seen Adam smiled. He smiled only to Leon, whilst they were being hospitable with him the whole time.

“I’m Adam.” He said and jumped to Leon to hug him.

Leon is completely startled at what Adam has been doing, he’s hesitating to hug him back and felt something completely strange about him.

Eventually, he hugged him back.

Moments later...

Adam is peacefully sleeping at Leon’s lap, while Leon feels like it’s kinda weird that Adam is too clingy at Leon even though they just met.

“Maybe Adam doesn’t have a dad that’s why he’s that clingy to you.” Jill said as she looked at them Leon and Adam.

Adam moved his head a little on Leon’s lap, Leon is carressing Adam’s head. “Yeah, you guys were right. He does looks like me.”

Claire is taking a nap besides them, Leon yawned as he saw Claire taking a nice nap.

“Leon, there’s something you need to know.” Jill commenced and looked at him anxiously.

“Yes, Jill? I’m listening.” Leon said as he shut his eyes tight and leaned his head on his seat.

On second thought, she thinks it would be better if Leon would know the truth from Adam, that Adam is a son of the vicious woman in his dreams. It’d be rude for Jill if she’s the one who’d tell him, wouldn’t it? That is Leon’s personal life, she better stay away from it.

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