Chapter X

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【Chapter X】

“Leon, you got yourself a son.” Chris said while laughing on the other line.

Leon took his hand from his gun and held the earpiece.

“What?” He asked Chris while making his way out of the cabin laboratory.

“Shut up, Chris.” Claire said on the other line, Leon could still hear Chris laughing on his line. “We saw a four year old boy." Claire softly said.

Leon nodded though they couldn’t see him from doing it. “Are you sure he’s not infected?” He asked as he opened the last cabin’s door and again found nothing inside of the cabin.

“He’s not though he’s very pale, his hair is black and has the same hairstyle as you have. He has blue eyes, pointy sharp nose, and I like his eyebrows and eyelashes.” Jill said, Leon could picture Jill carressing the boy’s hair as she said it dreamily. “He also wears something unappropriate, it looks like he has been kidnapped when he’s heading to a ball or something.”

“I think he looks lovely if he has the same look as me.” He bantered and chuckled. “What is he doing here?” He asked at the sudden realization flows in. He got out of the cabin and looked around, the self destruct isn’t done yet and there are five cabins left who are still in piece.

“I think they may have captured him to use as a test subject.” Claire said on her line, “He’s so adorable, Leon. You should probably see him as soon as you can.” Claire commented.

Leon can’t help himself to smirk. “It is like you’re saying I’m adorable. After all, you’ve said the boy looks like me.” He said with full of confidence in his voice.

“You’re being so cocky now, are you?” Claire said on her line.

“We probably should meet Leon at the bell now.” Chris said as he’s getting uncomfortable with his sister and Leon’s conversation although they are just friends.

“Leon, we’re on our way at the bell. The kid’s name is Adam, I think you should know.” Jill said on her line as he heard they are already running, the three of them muted themselves so Leon wouldn’t be able to hear them. They don’t want to be a distraction.

Leon also muted himself and ran silently as he saw a bigger cabin or facility, and different from the other cabins. “Adam?” He silently said to himself as he kicked the cabin’s door hard so it would open.

He looked up and saw that the roof has a lot of holes, some are big that it could already fit their Humvee and some aren’t

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He looked up and saw that the roof has a lot of holes, some are big that it could already fit their Humvee and some aren’t. It was as if it’s an abandoned cabin. He looked around and saw a lot of boxes but the center of it was clear, he saw at the end there was no door. Quickly, he found himself running towards it.

“Hi stranger.”

All of a sudden, he stopped as he heard the sultry voice the Asian Goddess has. But hey, he wouldn’t be that stupid to fall for that again.

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