Chapter XXV

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A month has passed and Hunnigan saw improvements from Leon. He's always smiling, always cheerful. She has always wondered what on earth had happened since this is the first time in years seeing him so happy.

As much as she wanted to just shrug it off, she couldn't. She's currently watching him talking to other agents, which is new, patiently waiting for her to announce what is his new task. Leon has been taking tasks, finishing them perfectly, and submitting reports early. Unlike before, he's always yelling, getting mad at other agents even though he's the one bumping into them, there are times as well Leon would lock himself inside of his office. Good thing that his office doesn't have any windows, because it's either the agents will see him drinking, sleeping, or throwing things. It really depends on his mood.

Leon felt someone is watching him, he immediately caught Hunnigan looking at him. The woman genuinely smiled and raised her 5 fingers up, signaling she only needs 5 more minutes so Leon gave her a nod.

"This might sound rude, yet I really have to ask, Boss Leon." One agent started, six of them including Leon looked at him curiously. "Just so you know, I am willing to accept the consequences of what I have to ask. If you will be punching me, that's fine, I deserve it."

Leon released an awkward laugh, still couldn't process what the agent in front of him is talking about.

Agent took that as a sign to continue. "What happened?"

Leon looked at him puzzled, "I don't follow."

"Why are you now laughing with us?" Agent retorted. "Just about a month ago, you've come here and shouted at us on why we are looking at you. Mind you it's not just me who's curious, right guys?" Agent said and looked at the other agents, expecting that they will cheer him or acknowledge what the agent mentioned.

Unfortunately, none of those agents agreed on what he has said since they are all still afraid of Leon despite him looking so happy for a month.

Leon released a chuckle to break the tension since the agent has felt embarrassed. "Let's just say that I finally have the life I have hoped for." He said and smiled genuinely whilst looking into the agent's eyes.

Leon was so busy thinking of his family that he didn't see Hunnigan already standing beside him. "Give us a clue!" Hunnigan butted in.

Agents, and Leon laughed with Hunnigan. "Unfortunately, that is a top secret." Leon said and looked at Hunnigan, "Am I good to go?" He asked.

Hunnigan nodded as a reply. "I have sent the details of your assignment in your email. It also has the documents that you will be needing. Submission of the report will be by end of month. Thank you for your hard work."

"If that's the case, I must go." Leon said and already started walking away from them, "I'll try to catch up with you guys soon." He said while raising his hand bidding them goodbye.

Leon immediately got inside of his car and looked at the time. Perfect! It's still early. Still has enough time to buy and cook dinner. He thought to himself.

While he's at the meat section choosing a high-quality beef, a woman suddenly bumped into him.

"I'm so sorry, mister. I was not looking where I was go--," the woman was suddenly cut off when she saw Leon. "Leon?" the woman asked and smiled from ear to ear. "It's been years! How are you? You have no idea how much I tried searching you. I have lost contact with the government agency you're working with because father told me not to disturb you. Since then, they are refusing to give me details even though I told them we're good friends! You won't believe me, but I tried searching on all social media platforms as well, even on search engine! You're not really into those huh?" She asked and playfully slap Leon's arms. "Anyway, how you've been?"

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