Chapter VII

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【Chapter VII】

Leon arrived on time, a minute neither late nor early. Jill, Chris and Claire were already there for the past five minutes and the three of them are having a decent conversation when he entered.

"Leon!" Claire said and smiled at him sweetly.

Automatically, Chris and Jill looked at his direction. Jill smiled at him while Chris remained the stoic look on his face.

Leon smiled back at Claire and walked towards to their table.

"Now you're in here I suppose we could now start the plan for tomorrow." Jill said and opened her laptop.

As she was busy opening her laptop, Claire looked at Leon and stood up from her seat, then sat beside him.

"I know your secret." Claire whispered and Leon looked at her unsurely. "I saw you both together in a coffee shop."

Leon gulped harder than he should. He wasn't planning on telling them what happened back in coffee shop. Or, what did Ada has said to him.

"What were you two doing?" Claire finally asked Leon.

There was a long pause before he replied. "Catching up, I suppose?" Leon said and his jaw clenched. Not letting Claire see what he's trying to hide beneath it. Good thing Chris and Jill in their own world.

Claire furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Spill-" she was cut off with her own statement when Jill spoke.

"Guys, I'd get myself a warm coffee. I'll be right back." Jill said and stood up. Impeccable timing, Jill.

The moment she stood up, Chris also did the same. "Let's go together. I may have left someting in the office." When in reality, Chris just wants to be near with her. "Let's leave them both here. They have a lot of catching up." He said and looked at Leon and Claire.

Claire looked at him playfully while he widen his eyes as if he is warning her.

Leon was absentmindly sitting there, staring at the wall.

Jill closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "What would you like for me to get you, Claire?" She asked and smiled.

"Hot chocolate would be nice, thanks." Claire looked at Jill and gave her a beam.

Jill stared at Leon as if she's waiting for a reply. Claire saw the sudden gaze and quickly nudged Leon.

Leon blinked thrice before answering. "Black coffee. Thank you." He answered and a small smile formed at his lips.

"Alright then. We'll be back as quick as we can." Jill said, she and Chris made its way to the door.

When the both of Leon and Claire left alone, she took the time to interrogate him. "Spill it out, Leon." She said in more authorative tone.

"What do you want me to say?" Leon quickly said still avoiding gazes from Claire.

Claire put her arms in front of her chest and raised a brow on him. "Why are you both in the coffee shop, in the same table, and now you're acting innocently?"

"Cut the shit, Claire." Leon irritatedly said, still not looking at her.

She stood up from her seat while saying, "Maybe you have forgotten she's after for the virus. Did she tell you anything about it?" She ended as she stood in front of Leon.

Leon looked down to avoid her. "Why would she?"

"You could have at least asked her, right?"

"Why would I?"

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