Chapter XXVI

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It's 3 in the morning when Leon's phone is ringing non-stop.

He already set a personalized ringtone for Ada, and he knows the person who's calling him is not her. The person who has been calling has a default ringtone. Given his profession, he is aware that he ought to return calls as quickly as possible, but he is too exhausted to do so.

Leon let out a deep moan. All he wants is a decent nap since he came home late from Ada's home. Adam and Leona insisted on playing with him until midnight since they didn't have classes for tomorrow because it is a holiday. Yet, for a government agent, holidays don't exist. It is as if they don't deserve to take a break, even when they are on vacation. Whenever they are needed, they should be present at all times. He's only a human for fuck's sake; he needs rest as well. I haven't heard of any virus spreading globally; not answering the phone should be fine. I could tell them that I left my phone in my car. Plus, Ada doesn't seem so busy these past weeks. He thought while his eyes were still closed.


He had enough of the continuous ringing on his phone; he knew he had to answer. He looked at the clock hanging on the wall in front of him; it said that it was only 3:05 in the morning. He groaned even more, constantly telling himself that this phone call should better be worth it. He threw his hands on his nightstand and reached for his phone without looking at his telephone screen. He immediately answered the call.

"Leon Kennedy." He introduced himself.

He was stunned when he was greeted by Hunnigan: "Leon! Thank God I have reached you. I have been calling you, and you missed 30 calls from me." Leon did not even realize that there had already been 30 missed calls. He thought it was only 5. Well, he was not even planning to answer the call. If only he could put his phone in do not disturb, he would.

"Good morning too," he hissed. "I apologize; I was taking a nap as I know I have to be in the office by 8 in the morning. What should I know for you to be calling this late?" He greeted her back.

"Come here. Now. It's urgent." With that, Hunnigan ended the call.

What the fuck? Was all he could think about. Realized Hunnigan must be so serious since she rarely does this. The last time she did this was when there was an unexpected B.O.W. attack. He immediately got up from his bed and didn't realize that there was a message from Ada saying good night. He went straight to his kitchen to heat himself some coffee to keep his mind alive, then went to his bathroom.

In less than 30 minutes, since Leon is only 10 minutes away from the office, the lift's door opened. He was aware that there were only a few people in the office at this hour, and he was met with a loud weeping sound right away. To make things worse, that loud sound was so familiar to the point that he wanted to head back to his apartment to continue his nap. Fuck my life! He fixed his leather jacket and got out of the lift. He didn't realize he was already wearing a frown. This is expected, as he's really tired and hasn't gotten enough rest. Fortunately, he could hide behind a table covered in heaps of paper in the hopes that these agents would be able to quiet the woman's loud sobs.

"Ms. Ashley, we mean no disrespect, but you have been causing a scene for almost 2 hours, and this disturbs our agents. We already told you that Agent Kennedy is not here. Please allow us to escort you out," one of the agents said. He's trying to help her get up from the floor since she practically laid herself on the floor like a spoiled brat and won't get up unless her request has been granted.

"How did she even get up here?" Leon recognized the voice and determined it was Helena Harper who asked the other agent. "Did she have connections?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I doubt she used Leon as an excuse."

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