Chapter XVI

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Ada and Adam went home without saying a word to each other since they have left Leon’s apartment, Adam didn’t also want to ask his mom on why did his Uncle Leon was crying. He saw how Ada was fuming earlier; Adam and Ada haven’t gone into an argument before and he doesn’t want to have one. He thought that he feels different because ever since he was a baby, he has always been like this. Ada has no problem at leaving him alone in one place because she knew he’ll stay there waiting for her. Unlike his sister, Leona who is always hyper and you can never leave her alone, she’ll be gone.

Adam stood still in front porch, Ada just continued walking when she realized her son wasn’t walking beside her. She looked back and saw Adam standing there motionless, she smiled but not the usual smile she wore. It was kind of a faint smile, she felt guilty for everything she did when she saw her son, standing there motionless, as he doesn’t want to enter his home. Adam saw his mother staring at him while smiling, she beckoned her head and Adam happily ran to her and held her hand.

“Mommy!” Leona exclaimed as Ada and Adam opened the front door, she hugged her mom in her waist. “You’re home earlier than what you’ve said.” She shifted her head up and looked at her mother’s precious visage. “Me and Nanny prepared something for you!”

Ada’s lips curved up into a sweet smile she could muster. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” She bantered as she carressed her daughter’s hair. She took a glance at Adam who just motionless stood there.

Leona released her arms around her. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as she stood in front of Ada with poise and confidence, she cocked a brow on her. “Of course I am, you had promised me you’ll tell me more about my father.”

Unlike Adam, Leona kept on asking Ada about her father. Sometimes, Ada kind of wished she only had Adam who is silent and knows when to open his mouth than Leona who’s really insensitive. Ada’s aware Leona’s only four years old yet her age is same as Adam’s, she often times wish she’s the same as Adam. Heck, she even thought it is completely normal for a kid to ask where her father is yet it is kind of obvious her mom doesn’t want to talk about it. Adam sensed that, so he didn’t keep on insisting his mom for questions he knows she wasn’t yet ready to answer. He’s a sweet child in his own way.

On the other hand, Ada just forced herself to give her daughter a faint smile. She doesn’t know what to do anymore with Leona. She knows it herself she has this sassy, bitchy and stone-hearted personality but she’s not talkative unlike her daughter. She knows when to open her mouth and when her opinion is needed. Hell, when she was a kid she didn’t remember being a spoiled insensitive brat. Leona sure does has her mother’s sassy personality but Adam has his mother’s cold personality, who knows exactly when to open his mouth. Adam and Leona are completely diverse.

Leona saw Adam from her peripheral vision that he’s standing there motionless beside Ada. She rolled her eyes as she looked at her fraternal twin. “As for you, Adam, you wouldn’t be kidnap if you have stayed in the house. Don’t you remember what Mom has said—”

“He’s fine now, sweetie. Come on, let’s just eat. Shall we?” Ada massaged her temples as she doesn’t want to yell at her daughter because she hasn’t done that before. She hasn’t even lay her hands on her kids yet they are well behaved — except for Leona.

Leona looked back to Ada, she stood up straight with her hands on her hips as if she’s a beauty queen. She’s watching too much beauty queen competitions. “Fine, as long as you promise you would tell me what my daddy looked like!” She whined and made a deal to her mom.

Ada hesitantly nodded at her daughter, just to get this over with — for her to shut up. She sure is a hella rackety, talkative kid but she sure does has a sweet side too. She goes insane whenever his father would suddenly popped up inside her mind. Well then, I just need to tell her things she already knows.

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